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The blue haired woman rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she made her way down the narrow hallway towards the front door. Whoever felt the need to wake her up at three am by incessantly knocking on her door better be dying or close to it. Tatum loved sleep, and having someone wake her up three hours before she had to be at work was nothing something she loved. It didn't matter that it was a Friday, the work at a mayor's office was never done.

"Angel?" Tatum said through a yawn as she stared at the Mayan biker on her front porch. She could tell he had a few drinks in him. It was a Friday night after all, and if the MC wasn't preoccupied with other things they had a night of drinking at the clubhouse. Tatum usually joined Angel on those Friday nights for a drink or two, but the tattooed biker standing in front of her had avoided her texts all day long, and Tatum didn't feel comfortable just showing up even if the other members told her she was always welcomed. "What are you doing here?" She questioned while trying to keep the harshness out of her voice. It didn't go unnoticed by Tatum that there was blood dripping from Angel's lip, his healing split lip had been reopened, and while she wanted to ask him how that happened it was probably for the best if she didn't. Tatum knew she might not like his answer.

Angel shrugged as he took in the blue haired woman standing in front of him. He knew she was pissed that he was there, he could tell by the way her nose scrunched up as she spoke. Tatum had given him just two rules when they started seeing each other. Rule One - Angel wasn't allowed to show up in the middle of the night unless someone was dying or dead. Rule Two - If another woman entered his life and he fell in love then he would tell her immediately. He had broken the first rule, but after he left the scrap yard and found himself in bed with Adelita all he could think about was Tatum. He needed to be with her. Angel didn't give a fuck if that meant he broke the first rule, the only rule he cared about breaking was the second.

"Come in." Tatum said with a sigh as she stepped aside to let him in. "I'll clean up your lip." She told him while walking towards the bathroom.

Angel simply nodded and closed the door before following Tatum to the bathroom. He took a seat on the toilet, watching Tatum as she placed a washcloth under the running faucet. Angel had yet to say it out loud, but he loved the blue haired, tattooed woman. The Mayan still wasn't sure how to say those three important words to her. He could only hope when he did that she said them back.

"Should I even ask how you managed to reopen that?" Tatum asked, looking down at Angel with a raised eyebrow.

"It's nothing." He said simply as Tatum stood in between his legs, wiping the blood off of his lip.

Tatum nodded at his answer, not satisfied with it but she knew better than to push the topic. The bathroom fell silent as Tatum continued to clean up Angel's lip, she looked into his brown eyes seeing the conflict in them. She could tell he had a lot going on in that mind of his.

"Thank you hermosa." Angel said softly once Tatum had finished cleaning his bloody lip. He quickly grabbed her hand before she could move away from him, and placed a kiss on her fingertips. "It okay if I stay the night?" Angel questioned, taking the washcloth stained with his blood from her hands and tossing it into the hamper.

Tatum nodded and immediately felt Angel's muscular arms wrap around her waist. Tatum's nose wrinkled as she inhaled his scent. "Jesus Angel." She removed his tattooed arms from her waist. "Take a fucking shower." Tatum said softly.

Angel was confused by the sudden change in her demeanor. He knew he smelled of beer and sweat, but he didn't think he smelled that repulsive. "I smell that bad?" He ask with a laugh.

"You smell like her." Tatum said shaking her head before she walked out of the bathroom.

Angel ran a hand over his face as he stood alone in the bathroom. He knew Tatum wasn't stupid and it was only a matter of time before she found out about him and Adelita. Angel let out a sigh as he stood under the hot water, he hoped this didn't send Tatum running straight into Jax's arms.

Tatum laid on her bed, staring up at the ceiling as she heard the shower turn on. She had known about Adelita for a little while now, and yet she said nothing about the other woman until tonight. Tatum wasn't sure why she never asked Angel about her. Maybe it was because she felt she had no right to ask him, they had never labeled themselves in a relationship, or maybe it was because she was waiting for him to say something but he never did. Tatum was scared Angel was falling in love with Adelita. She cared for Angel a lot, but she refused to be someone's second choice again. Maybe going home for a little bit was exactly what Tatum needed.


(A/N: I originally wasn't going to have Adelita in this, but her character is too big not to be involved in someway. Thank you all for the votes, comments, and views! I appreciate them so much! I apologize if there's any mistakes because as usual this is unedited.)

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