In Which Sollux Has Problems With People

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This was surprisingly easy.
Despite the fact that Karkat had gotten trapped in his own body and was a stubborn prick, and Kankri just could not quite grasp what to do in a situation like this, yes, it was still surprisingly easy. Your main job was to make sure the time streams wouldn't fuck up and go hay wire then send Karkat into a dying fit of negative energy, and Kankri....

Kankri's time line would go to actually. As Karkat's time line corrector thingy (The higher ups never did give it a name) You have to know the importance of everyone who comes into Karkats life. Including their time-streams and how they will be affected if certain things happen. If Karkat died, one of three results would happen to Kankri.
One, he would continue on with his life, but never be able to let go of the past. This one was actually the best result because he writes a book about the adventure and gets rich. 
Two, Kankri wouldn't know what to do anymore. Which would then lead to him going to a friend of his for help, and end up becoming a part of their time line. Which would screw up Karkat's time line, Kankri's time line, and get you a very very angry friend who works on that friends time line.
Three, and you hate this one, Kankri would already be to deep in Karkat's time-stream to even consider leaving it...So after days of just sitting in the apartment, he would fall prey to death to try and come and find Karkat.

They're so perfect for each other it makes you want to puke, and you really wish they would just kiss already and get this show on the road to make your job easier. You've gotten a bit attached and you really don't want anything bad to become of either of them. They're your family. Or at least, to you they are.
They almost kissed last night, and it made you want to scream at how close they were. They got through a pretty good amount of the book, and you're a bit scared of getting your hopes up, but you think they might make it before the deadline. You really really fucking hope so. Because if these guys get hurt you may just have to break some uper world laws to fix them both.

You're not above it either. The higher up's could use a good middle finger and a punch to the gut straight in their stupid fucking laws. "Can't do this, don't do that." You get it has good reason to it but they have the prude stick shoved so far up their asses they can't even think of anyone other then themselves and they continue to be butt hurt about it all.

Incase it was hard to tell, you really didn't like the higher ups.

Sorry guys, just a shorty.

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