18 | new bitch in town

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I don't think I was born beautiful. I just think I was born me.

- Naomi Campbell


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A week had passed by ever since Chan was announced the winner of the Annual Tournament at Shujin Academy. Many were congratulating him including his teacher, Mr. Saito. Some were not happy at all. Many thought Jackson was going to win. A rat could never win in the tournament. Chan proved them all wrong.

"That title should've been mine." Shownu scowled, grabbing Chan by his tie.

"Piss off, Shownu! I beat your ass once and I can do it again." Chan shoves Shownu away from him.

"Count your days, rat!" Shownu angrily pointed at Chan.

Chan rolled his eyes before he opened his locker. His locker neighbor, Jisung, smiled and gave a pat on his arm. "Congratulations on the winning man," Jisung said before walking off, clutching his black pack strap. "Thanks to you, I won a lot of money."

Chan scoffs before he smiled. He didn't know if it was a great compliment or he should be worried about the number of people who knew he had the potential to win. Chan shook his head, shaking off the uneasy thoughts. Chan placed his textbooks in his locker.


Chan looked up and saw Chaeyoung and Victoria approaching him. Chaeyoung wore a cute red bow clip on the left side of her medium length hair. Victoria has her long jet black hair in a French braid resting on her right shoulder.

"How's your day been, Chae?" Chan smiled.

"Great." Chaeyoung shyly smiles. Victoria shot her a weird look. Chaeyoung's smile immediately disappears. "Anyways are you going to the Fall dance?"

Chan knitted his eyebrows. "Is that some sort of prom you guys have?" Chan smirks.

"Not exactly." Victoria shook her head. "It's sort of like a Halloween bash. It's always held near Halloween and people come in their cute dresses and suits with their dates. You can also dress up if you want."

"A homecoming dance?" Chan suggested.

"Hell no." Victoria scowls in disgust.

"Yeah, but without the American football." Chaeyoung nods.

Chan chuckles at Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung twirls the ends of her hair grinning at Chan. Meanwhile, Victoria was completely weirded out.

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