The Devil Gives a Helping Hand~

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                          Rut Season was beginning to be a very fun time for the Devil as he noticed certain things about Alastor that he couldn't hide from the King, going about their day at the Hotel helping out here and there well sometimes the Devil found certain times to tease the poor Deer in his efforts to getting the other to admit he needed something.  The two were in the office as Alastor was doing paperwork and the Devil had offered help in which case Lucifer came to stand behind Alastor and when the Deer turned to question him, the Devil pushed him against the desk to take hold of him.  The Deer's face was as red as his hair as he was held in the Devil's grasp.

"L-Lucifer!" Alastor's heart was pounding in his chest as he stared into Lucifer's mesmerizing eyes, "Someone will no doubt see us like this!"  Lucifer sighed as he knew the other was right, as they were in the office by themselves.

"I know Darling, but I can't help myself... I miss your touch," he then took his mouth with his own, claiming his lips in a passionate kiss moaning against his mouth while asking for entrance.  A moan left Alastor as well as his lips were claimed by Lucifer's own. His ears lowered in a submissive manner and his tail began to wag beneath his coat. He couldn't resist the temptation to kiss back and found himself leaning forward to return it.  Lucifer pushed the other towards the desk slowly as he found himself exploring the other's mouth as if feeding from him, still holding his wrist and kissing him from behind. His other hand would slide down to the front of the Deer's pants to unbuckle them as he wanted to take this Deer right there and then over the place where he worked.  Feeling himself get pressed up against the desk, the Deer perked up in alarm and glanced at the office door.  He found himself for once praying to Lucifer's father that no one walked in. When his pants were unbuckled and pulled down, falling to his ankles, the Devil could see Alastor's little red tail. It wagged side to side, reflecting the Radio Demon's enjoyment.  Oh, how adorable that little tail was and how he wished he could play with it but he knew the other might not like that too much, as for if anyone would come in the Devil can sense another soul nearby when he was searching. Releasing him from their kiss as he chuckled devilishly, he went about licking his fingers with his snake tongue, bringing the wrist he was holding to his back not too painful but enough to be exciting as he bent him over the desk to slip his slick fingers towards his folds.  He'd rub against the other's rear letting Alastor feel his arousal as well as preparing him for what was to come, after a while the sound of his own pants opening followed by the tip of his length pressing against the Deer's sweet spot.

"Alastor... Alastor.... oh Alastor..."  Feeling the Devil's fingers tease him, Alastor released a low moan and used his free hand to claw at the desk he was bent over. Excitement bubbled up in the Deer and looked over his shoulder, watching Lucifer undo his own pants and reveal his length. The sight made the Radio Demon shudder and he waited with an eager look for his partner to begin.  He was becoming quite needy for the Devil. Finally, he felt Lucifer press his tip into him and released a much louder moan.

"Lucifer... oh, Lou..." The name flew pass his lips.  For the sake of not drawing attention, he allowed the first few moans however he would reach with his free hand to cover Alastor's mouth for this next part while the other still held Alastor's arm behind his back, pressing himself deep within his Deer in one thrust. Spreading him with his hardened length and as he felt how tight the other was even he had trouble holding his voice as he let out a groan,

"Oh... I love the feel of you, I love my precious red Deer always and forever." He kept his hand over his mouth to stifle any loud noises as he pumped his hips in and out of the other, growling his desire as he used the grip of his arm to help pull him back onto his shaft making love to the Radio Demon within the office.  As Lucifer's hand rested over Alastor's mouth, the Deer's moans were reduced to low muffles that could hardly be heard. The Deer was glad the Devil took such action as he would have been crying the other's name loudly, especially when he felt the Devil press himself deeper. The Radio Demon quivered, his tail flanking up and his ears fell back against his head. Having Lucifer inside him was so blissful. The words spoken down to him created a warmth in his chest and the blush on his cheeks worsened. He loved the feeling of the Devil, more then he would admit. When he felt the Devil begin to move within him, a muffled cry left him and he shut his eyes, enjoying the pleasure as he was claimed by Lucifer.  Lucifer groaned against the other's hair as his breathing grew ragged, both still slightly clothed and wishing he could touch more of the other's flesh as he went about pumping his hips within the other gaining speed and depth as he bent Alastor over the desk. He couldn't see the other's face well enough without leaning over to the side to look at him as he thrust in and out of him, seeing his ears down and his eyes closed while feeling his muffled cries. He wanted to finish this before anyone did come back, but he was enjoying this too much.

Devil's Guardian 1.5  Rut SeasonWhere stories live. Discover now