Be Still My Heart

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A/N: A Valentine's Special! Please Enjoy~

What an interesting day Alastor had while wandering Hell, he had run into many Demons who were either whistling at him or trying to get his attention for which he wasn't used to. Many feared the Radio Demon so perhaps they had been confused or other, it was the manner that they had tried to speak to him though. One Demon, a rather small male would come up with a flower. Odd? Another, a female would come up with a bag of chocolates. Alastor hated sweets. What in the name of the Devil was wrong with-... as the Radio Demon would get back to the Hotel and head for his room, his train of thought had come to a stop as he'd sense a presence within his room and looking around rather suspiciously. The shadows would shimmer as Lucifer would appear behind Alastor nearly floating behind him to where he could place his chin over Alastor's shoulder,

"I was wondering when you'd get home Darling, I've been waiting for you~" Alastor would then realize what Day it was... Valentine's Day... A day where many, mainly couples, showed their love for one another in various ways. They present gifts to each other from sweets, such as chocolates, to stuffed bears, to flowers, and much more. Turning on his heel to face his lover, the Radio Demon gave the Devil a rather anxious smile. The little holiday had slipped his mind! Given he never truly had anyone to spend such a day with, he completely first about it. That is, of course, until Lucifer and he found love in each other.

"Apologies for keeping you waiting so long, my dear!" The deer apologized, averting his gaze. Lucifer came to land on the ground walking to Alastor's side as the shadows returned to normal and he fixed his hat to smiled at the Deer,

"No need to apologize, I expected you were busy but due to certain events of the day, I was wondering if we could go on a date? After all, it is Valentine's Day," he leaned to smile at the other, somewhere he had hoped that maybe the other had something planned for them? After finally being okay with sharing their relationship instead of hiding it but seeing the look on his face, he slowly dropped his smile.

"Oh, hmm suppose you forgot about today? Heh... I mean we haven't been together long... heh... not as if we have an anniversary or anything." He chuckled nervously at that, perhaps this was a bad idea to come. Somehow watching the Devil's joyful attitude turn, a pang of guilt struck the Radio Demon and he averted his gaze away from his clearly disappointed lover. How could I possibly forget! The deer practically scowled himself. He began to think afterward, pondering on what he could pull off for the other to give him the date he wanted. Surely he could arrange dinner somewhere! Or perhaps cooking himself was best? What about afterward though? Hmm... What about a gift? He had to get Lucifer a gift. But what exactly?

"Nonsense your majesty! I didn't forget today at all!" Alastor denied, shaking his head and giving the Devil his best smile. "I have a whole date set up for us tonight!" The Radio Demon would have to do a bit of improvising today, but he was willing to do so for the sake of the other.

One couldn't lie to the Devil but it was amusing to see Alastor wanting to do this for him was very flattering and he leaned to nuzzle and kiss his cheek.

"I can't wait darling, this will be our first year together and it's very exciting to see what you have planned. When should we go, do you need to get ready or?" The Devil could get ready with a snap of his fingers.

"Just give me a moment to change my dear, then we can be off on our date!" Alastor said, his cheeks beginning to glow from the affectionate nuzzles he was receiving from his lover. Pressing a kiss to Lucifer's cheeks in return, the Radio Demon excused himself and slipped into his bathroom. The moment he had the door shut and locked, he summoning a shadow of his. It took the form of a small deer, red eyes staring up at its master.

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