His Deer, His Devil

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                       Lucifer was in his tub relaxing after a long day, he hadn't closed his bedroom door nor did he ever close his bathroom door while the tub was plenty big and the Devil was enjoying a nice hot bath. He may have dozed off after a bit as he laid his head on the edge of the tub, slightly breathing as he'd fallen asleep.  Walking the hallways was a familiar red deer. He was strolling around when he noticed the Devil's door wide open. It stirred up a bit of curiosity in Alastor and he raised an eyebrow, head tilting to the side ever so slightly.

"Lucifer?"  He called out once, entering the room. He got no response and began to look around for the Devil. He checked every possible place before reaching the bathroom and spotting Lucifer laying in the large tub, leaned back and fast asleep.  Lucifer would stir as he heard his name, blinking his eyes open he went about yawning while covering his mouth, looking around he'd cursed to get up out of the water. His back was the to the door but one would get a nice view of his behind along with the tattoo upon his shoulders, getting out he'd grab a towel to start doing his hair before drying his body by then he'd hear a noise and turning to face the doorway. How had he not sensed him,

"Alastor what are you..." he then gasped as he was facing the Radio Demon fully nude.  Alastor couldn't resist letting his eyes glance over Lucifer from head to toe. He certainly was flawless, and the tattoo he had between his shoulders perked the Deer's interest. Not wanting to stare for too long, the Radio Demon averted his gaze away from the Devil. He cleared his throat and quickly spoke up.

"Sorry for the sudden intrusion, your majesty!" He apologized, "I saw your bedroom door wide open and though there was an issue!"  Lucifer smirked as the other eventually looked away, however, this wasn't the first time seeing him nude as he made his way closer to the other. As for his door being open, there are only two rooms on the top floor, Charlie's and his how interesting the other came to visit. He didn't bother covering himself as he leaned towards Alastor,

"Nothing wrong here, my Deer, however if you are in need of assistance I'd be happy to help again?" He grinned as a hunger slowly started to form within his eyes, Alastor stiffened up when the Devil approached him and he kept his gaze turned away.

"I'm not here for that, Lucifer." The Deer coughed, his cheeks turning a darker shade of red out of embarrassment, "I just thought I'd pay a visit and check on you is all, today was a busy one after all."  Lucifer tilted his head and smiling he went about getting another towel to wrap around his waist with his back turned to the other, he held a smaller towel on his golden wet hair,

"Well thank you for checking on me, I see we have a new guest, a Doctor I think?" He then went about leaving the bathroom to sit on his lounge chair in nothing but a towel, "Thank you for your hard work Alastor, suppose I'm just not cut out for this?"

"Indeed, Miss Sokolov is the only good doctor down here in Hell." Alastor chuckled while following, his eyes finding themselves glued onto the sun tattoo on Lucifer's back. He was tempted to reach out and touch it, but reframed from doing so and stopped in his tracks while the Devil sat.

"Well, you certainly aren't the best but you aren't the worse your majesty, perhaps I can teach you a thing or two?" Alastor said, removing his coat and placing it on the armrest of a chair before sitting, Lucifer's eyes followed the other as he motioned through his room and sat next to him, Lucifer was leaning against the armrest with on leg up on the couch and the other dangling. Being in nothing but a towel the Devil grinned as Alastor said such a thing,

"Never thought I'd see the day where I had to learn from the Radio Demon oh how I have fallen..." he stuck his snake tongue out teasingly.  Alastor rolled his eyes at the comment, his smile still remaining on his lips.

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