From Dusk til Dawn

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                                One day while the Devil and Radio Demon were out having fun in a bar, this was before he was fine with other's knowing that the two were dating, the Devil made the mistake of kissing Alastor in front of others.  The Deer wasn't happy, arguing took place and hurting feelings were had but that night Lucifer would risk his powers to save the Radio Demon from rabid Hell Hounds that frightened him.  They returned to his home where Alastor had tried to tell Lucifer he went over his limits when it came to their relationship and the Devil threw a tantrum, the Radio Demon proceeded to say.

"For once, why don't you act like a King!"  Lucifer's smile disappeared as the aura around him started to churn and darken, he turns and faces Alastor, 

"Act like a King? You of all should know better than to speak to me in such a way," his hand lashed out to grab Alastor by the front of his coat pulling him closer to glare at him with reddened eyes. "A King would never associate with lower class trash, would never think to consider the feelings of another or be filled with such adoration and passion as to FALL IN LOVE WITH A MORTAL SUCH AS YOU ALASTOR!"  Quite use to the Devil's raging fits, Alastor simply watched as the room darken and the shadows swirl about. It didn't faze the Radio Demon whatsoever as he grinned. However, when he was grabbed by the front of his coat though, a growl left him and a hand moved to grip Lucifer's tightly. His claws dug into the other's flesh, not enough to draw blood though. 

"Yet here I am doing so! You don't frighten me, Lucifer! You're weak after all, your majesty!" Meeting the Devil's glowing red eyes, his own became dials and he glared back at the other. Lucifer's last set of words made his eye twitch, smile falling the slightest bit on his face. His claws sunk deeper into the Devil's skin, drawing blood this time. "You truly are irritating Lucifer! Angry over anything that displeases you!"  Lucifer didn't flinch as he felt his blood drip down his hand onto the floor, his red eyes went away as he released Alastor to let his head fall and the aura around him died but his hand was still held in Alastor's vice grip. 

"You don't displease me... but apparently I displease you. Being with me in front of others... you're ashamed, too prideful and you're cruel." He ripped his hand out of his grip to turn and leave his room as his blood trailed on the floor, keeping his head down to where his hat would hide him he wanted to get away so he headed for his garden. Upon getting there, Lucifer would spread his wings looking to the sky as he felt tears well at the corner of his eyes, cursing these emotions that plagued him.  The Devil's words caused Alastor to tense up and freeze where he stood. Averting his gaze, he found himself calming down and sighing. 

"Lucifer..." He muttered before feeling the other yank his hand away, turning on his heel to leave the room. "Lucifer!" He called out with a much louder tone. "Lou!" He walked towards the doorway, standing there and watching the Devil make his way down the hall, not sparing a single glance back at him. Releasing another sigh, the Radio Demon ran a claw through his hair and gritted his teeth. Stepping back into the room, he shut the door and leaned back against it. What was he doing? Were the events of that night not enough for him to get it through his head that it didn't matter? There were some moments when he loved the pride he had. Other times, he despised it. Lucifer and he couldn't continue this game anymore, going back and forth about their relationship. He had to decide...

                             The Devil took flight above his realm, looking down at all the Sinners who have come and gone, few have stayed for hundreds of years, love and hatred, greed and pride, lust and sloth... envy, Lucifer was all this and more, he made his way to one of the tallest buildings within Hell and it was there he landed on a balcony where he knew the Queen of Hell would be. Entering through her doors to see Lilith sitting before her vanity, putting makeup on and prepping herself for beauty all the while seeing two Demons who had been her lovers laying within the bed clearly out of it after having their fun. 

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