Deer for Breakfast

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                     Every so often, the Devil and Radio Demon would spend the night within his Palace and even though they hadn't told anyone of their relationship the two had plenty of time to spend when things at the Hotel were kept in check.  Last night the two had their fun as it was still Alastor's special season, it was something the Deer had despised until he finally got with the one being he cared for in all his existence.  Lucifer was laying in bed when he sensed his lover had gotten up to use the bathroom.   Lucifer wore pajama bottoms as he slowly got up while yawning, he'd get a robe on and make his way to the kitchen to make coffee for the other as he knew he liked it. The Devil's hair was unkempt as he rubbing his eyes sleepily and hearing the other enter the kitchen, he went wide-eyed as his cheeks glowed pink to see the appearance of Alastor looking well... not fully dressed. 

"O-oh... uh, Alastor... morning Dearie,"  The Radio Demon stepped into the kitchen with only his pajama bottoms on and a pair of slippers. He held a robe in hand, moving to slip it on once coming to a stop. However, he paused midway to flash the Devil a smile and give the other a wave.

"Good morning, Lou!" He was as chipper as ever, completely unaware of how his appearance was effecting Lucifer. Slipping the rest of the robe on, he didn't bother closing the front. Instead, he left it open and made his way over while eyeing the cup of coffee the other was making him.  Lucifer was at a loss, either to give the other his coffee or ravish him right there in the kitchen. He knew the other loved him but to initiate another sexy time with him so soon after the last, he bit his lip and handed him the coffee while looking away from the delicious sight before him. 

"Yes heh... here's your coffee Dear~" his face was getting redder as he avoided looking at the other.  

"Why thank you darling!" The Deer accepted the cup of coffee, his smile widening before he leaned over to leave a kiss upon his partner's cheek in appreciation. When he pulled back, he leaned back against the counter and sipped his coffee with a moan of delight leaving his throat.

"Seems you've mastered making coffee Lou!" Alastor chuckled once he set his cup down. He looked at the Devil before raising a brow when the other seems to be avoiding him. "Is something wrong my dear?" He moved closer to the other and took Lucifer by the chin gently, turning his head so their eyes could meet.  Honestly, he used magic to work the coffee machine and what not and since Alastor liked it black it wasn't hard to learn. When he kissed his cheek, shivers ran up his spine as he clenched his fists from grabbing the other. He had tried to distance himself from Alastor and yet when he called him out on his BS and grabbed his chin, the Devil had lost this battle. He leaned forward to push Alastor back up against the counter, sliding his hands into the others open robe to feel his naked body once more while leaning down to leave kisses against his collar bone while Alastor's hands were to either side of him. 

"What's wrong is you teasing me with this delicious body that I would love to have for breakfast~"  Being the oblivious Deer he was, Alastor didn't once think his morning appearance would trigger the other. Yet here he was, trapped between the counter and the Devil. Feeling the other's fingertips run along his bare skin shot a shiver down the Deer's spine and a blush worked its way onto his cheeks.  A low moan left his throat as well upon the kisses being left along his collar bone. Moving his hands towards Lucifer's waist, the Radio Demon held the other close against him. 

"I wasn't... Ahh... trying to tease you, Lou... Hmm..." Alastor admitted.  Lucifer looked up at the other as he didn't believe that for a second, 

"You naughty Deer... oh ho... I'll remember this and get you back... but for now~" he went about kissing his neck and suckling on his flesh to leave his mark maybe even biting the other not hard enough to bleed as his hands found their way around the other to caress his adorable tail while also getting a grip of his rump.  A louder moan left Alastor's lips as marks were left on his skin. His grip on Lucifer waist tightened and he closed his eyes, allowing himself to slip away into the other's touches. However, when his tail was caressed and rear grabbed, the Radio Demon released a rather cute squeak of surprises. His eyes shot open and his cheeks became the same color of his hair. 

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