Fun in the Shower

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                            After learning of the Devil's weakness that when he used too much magic he would be reduced to a long term slumber to recover that magic back however sometimes he would end up stuck in his snake form, other times though, he'd simply use this form to be a little sneak.  Within the Radio Demon's room, Alastor was taking an early morning shower while a pure white snake slithered into his room and into the bathroom to poke his head over the tub getting a nice view of the Deer's rump and wet tail. He stuck his tongue out to hiss then slowly but surely went about slither along the tub to look up at Alastor who was rinsing under the water, 

"Can I join you Alassstor?"  Alastor hummed softly to himself as he washed his body clean, rinsing his body before moving to wash his hair and ears. However he stopped dead in his action and froze, his cheeks turning a dark shade of red.  Eyes flickering down, he looked at the white snake that slithered along the tub.

"L-Lucifer!" The Deer snapped, hands flying to cover himself and he quickly faced his back towards the Devil, "What are you doing in here!?" The Radio Demon scowled, although he wasn't exactly mad just embarrassed.  The snake tilted his head at how embarrassed he seemed, he'd seen him nude before so why so shy? 

"I wanted to have a little fun before the day sssstarted didn't know you'd be sssshowering already but! We can sssstill have fun in the water ehhhhh..." he wiggled his little snake eyebrows as his tongue came out again to hiss.  The request made the Deer's cheeks burn and his embarrassment worsen further. The Devil never seem to hesitate when it came to asking for fun with the Radio Demon.

"Right after I just cleaned myself? I think not, Lucifer." Alastor refused. He wasn't going to agree so easily to Lucifer's desire.  The tiny serpent lowered its head, 

"Oh, I see... well uh... pardon the intrusion..." he turned his little head around as if looking down and sad about the whole thing.  Alastor watched the serpent do so, attempting to keep himself strong. He had a habit of giving in to Lucifer when he was upset, and he was trying to break it. However, it was quite hard when the Devil was a tiny, adorable, snake. 

"Fine!" Alastor submitted, looking back at his lover.  He scooped the snake up into his hands, letting Lucifer coil around his hand and look up at him. "Just this once, alright?" He sighed, cheeks still red.  Lucifer transformed right there to appear nude already and burying his hands into Alastor's wet hair to kiss him deeply pressing him back into the wall of the shower growling against the other as his desire was adamant for the other, 

"Knew you couldn't resist me for long, love." He chuckled while kissing his neck giving him love nips here and there while pressing a leg between his, there was a reason Lucifer always asked first. He knew the Deer wasn't big on such things and wasn't going to do anything Alastor didn't like and he also liked to play the sad snek.  The sudden kiss was alarming but welcomed none the less.  Alastor enjoyed the kisses the Devil and him shared, and so he returned it. Feeling his back meets the shower wall roughly, he wrapped his arms around Lucifer's neck and tangled his own fingers into the other's hair. When the devil withdrew and began to litter the Deer's neck with kisses and nips, a low moan slipped out. 

"Lou" The name slipped out in a soft whisper, and the Radio Demon bit his bottom lip when he felt one of Lucifer's leg move to be between his own. He shivered and his face became red entirely.  Lucifer loved hearing his name from the other's lips, groaning against his flesh as he felt his hands in his hair he could feel their arousal growing between them and looking into the other's red face, he had a glint in his yellow eyes as he kneeled in front of Alastor to nuzzle against his member teasing it with licks from his snake tongue and stroking him gently. He'd wait for him to become harder before sliding his lips over his length taking him within his mouth, pleasing his blushing red Deer.  A sharp gasp left Alastor, followed by a moan as he felt the Devil take him completely into his mouth. It sent shivers down his spine and he looked down, watching Lucifer work him. The sight gave the Radio Demon a thrill, and he began to buck his hips against the Devil. Much louder moans began to leave his lips, and he called out his lover's name once more. Reaching down, he took a handful of Lucifer's hair into his grasp and held it in a firm grip. 

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