Berries & Cream

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                                    A/N:  This is a fun little smut roleplay between Alastor, Blu(Alastor2P) and Lucifer, please enjoy~

                      It was that time of the year, the first beginnings of Rut Season for many animal Demons including a certain Deer Demon and the Devil knew how the other liked to play the game of Catch the Doe so within his home.  Lucifer was trying to sneak down the hall and as he'd make a run for it, tendrils would form to coil around his legs making him trip and fall to the ground.  He'd curse and grunting from the impact before hearing a voice from behind,

"Where are you going, Your Majesty?"  Lucifer chuckled nervously while trying to scramble away,

"I well... you see heh... I had an errand to do so..." he tried to get up and kick the tendrils off as the Radio Demon raised an eyebrow tilting his head to the side and moving closer to the Devil.

"Oh, really now?  What might that errand be, Lou~"

"I don't have to answer that now release me Alastor or so help me..." he tried to hold his ground while clawing at the tendrils which made Alastor summon more to wrap around his arms to hold them at his sides.

"What will you do, Lou? You can't move a single bit!" Alastor chuckled, waving a hand and the tendrils lifted Lucifer up to be face to face with the red deer.  He grunted as his arms were now held back to where he couldn't move anymore, looking at the other with a light blush upon his face while staring into his Crimson eyes. 

"Darling, be fair and release me I... I have things to do..." he chuckled nervously.  

"As do I, mon amour~" Alastor purred softly and he went about grabbing Lucifer's chin and leaning forward, letting his lips brush against the other's own. He would have kissed the Devil but found himself pausing and growling lowly. A presence could be felt approaching and from around the corner, a familiar blue deer appeared. Blu was another Alastor from a different realm that found himself stuck in this universe, upon coming around to take in the scene, eyes looking over Lucifer more than Alastor. His cheeks began to glow and a certain glint formed in his eyes.

"W-What's going on h-here?" He questioned, moving closer with his gaze still glued on the Devil.  Lucifer blushed red as the other moved to kiss him but before he could, sensing another Deer nearby, he turned to see Blu. Wait, what was he? 

"Ahh Blu why hello we are just... uh heh... playing a little game. It's um... where I'm a doe?" He giggled a bit wondering if the other would understand and possibly leave then be.  

"C-Could I join in?" Blu went about asking, tilting his head to the side as the name caught his interest. He did the exact opposite Lucifer was hoping for. 

"Join?" Alastor narrowed his eyes at the other Deer, skeptical on the idea until thoughts floated into his mind. He looked at Lucifer, taking in the sight of the other before humming. He pondered for a moment, debating with himself until reaching a decision. "Very well, I suppose two bucks in the game would make things very interesting~" He chuckled, a wicked smile forming on his lips.  Lucifer went wide-eyed at the question but before he could answer he whipped his head around to face Alastor, 

"Are you mad? What do you think you're playing at?" He struggled in his binds again trying to escape, "Alastor you... stop this now... you can't be serious?"  The expression Lucifer had only fueled Alastor's amusement. This really was going to be fun. Two bucks and one doe, who was at their mercy in his restrains. 

Devil's Guardian 1.5  Rut SeasonWhere stories live. Discover now