Day 7 - Broccli and Cauliflower

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Today was alright, I finally finished the Freeza day shopping (Gine has started calling it you earthlings "Christmas" she seems excited for this year) with Gines help. Always hard shopping for Kakarot if we get him food it won't last, if we get him socks he'll probably eat them and if we get him new anything he'll use it once and forget about it. Raditz got a new bong only it's got the zeni he owes me written on it. Yes Gine insisted I buy Vegeta a gift too so I got him a hot chocolate box, I think he'll appriciate it.

So besides that nothing else to talk about. We're close to Freeza day and I hope you all are excited like Gine is.

She's preping the meat herself

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She's preping the meat herself.

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