Day 51 - The Prank Wars

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So the day started with my youngest trying to dump paint on me but I knew he would fail. He has tried that same prank everytime just like summer of '95. Raditz tried to do the ol' superglue in the shampoo trick and Tarble I assume was clever almost got me with the salt gag.

Vegeta though gave myself and Gine movie tickets for a documentry which was very nice of him. So we went to the movies and Gine wore her lovely necklace I got her.

So my father thought he was being sneaky and in the middle of the night went to my grandparents house. He musta thought I was asleep but I was doing what I had been doing all day recovering from a prank that hit me and my baby brother so plotting revenge and I was texting Videl like all kids do. I'm 11 remember so it wasn't anything like that sickos.

Gine and I returned hours later and I went to the bathroom to washup and Gine went to put her necklace away in her jewlery box and then BANG I hear her squeal so I rush in and see her covered in what I knew was cum.

Gine gave me a look I had not seen since I was chased through an airport by angry animals the dreaded Prank War in Summer of '95. I nodded knowing what had to be done.

Vegeta pranked Gine.

Never. Prank. Gine.


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