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Jungkook's pov
As I woke up, i immediatly sits up but i regret doing that cause i was shot by the pain, "Damn those guys.", i cursed, i stand up ignoring the pain and go out of Yoongi hyung's clinic, i saw my hyungs sitting outside the clinic sleeping.

"Uh guys?", i said and Jin hyung immediatly stood up, wiping the saliva beside his mouth, "Jungkook! You are supposed to be resting!", he said as he approached me, "Where is Yoongi hyung?", i asks, "He gets out that's all he said.", Jin hyung said and i clenches my fist, he was probably with Yoona right now.

"The leaders?", i asks again, "Taehyung already put them in the dark rooms.", Jin hyung answers, "Why are you all sleeping here? Tell them to go to their respective rooms, I'll just be by my office.", i said and walk away even tho Jin hyung was still asking something at me.

As i entered the office, i sat at my chair, the first think i think off was Yoona, should i threaten his parents? Ugh i don't know what to do now! How will i get her back!?

I decided to call Yoongi hyung instead, "Hello hyung.", i said and i swear i can hear my girl asking who's on the phone and Yoongi hyung shushing her, "You need anything?", he asks, "Where are you? I need some pain killers.", i said as an excuse for calling him, "I uh buying things for my clinic!", he said, what a bad liar.

"Whatever go here and give me pain killers.", i said and ends the call, i don't want him to spend long time with Yoona, of course i don't, i only want her to be with me.

Yoongi's pov
Shit, Jungkook will catch me real soon, "Yoona? I have to go.", i said, "That's Jungkook right? On the phone.", she said looking at me with a blank face, i jusr nodded at her, "Well go now.", she said and pecks my cheeks.

I rushes to go back to the mansion and to my clinic, and of course Jungkook is not here, i grab pain killers and headed to his office.

I entered without any permission and put the pain killers and water on his desk, "Enjoying your time hyung?", he suddenly asks which made me gasp a bit, "W-what do you mean?", i asks, why did i stutter?!

"Oh come on don't play dumb.", he said and shoot me a glare, he then smirks as he plays the ballpen on his hand, "Well, until when do you plan hiding it to me?", he asks andi was just frozen in my spot, he drop the pen and stood up walking to my side, he holds my shoulder and whispers to my ear.

"You know she belong to me and now I'm ready to take her again, thank you for taking care of her.", he said with a husky tone that made me widened my eyes, he walks out of his office and i was left there, frozen.

My girl... he can't take her away from me, that's right he can't, Yoona will still choose me, i know that. I said that to my head as i smile like an idiot, heading out of his office and heading to my room to relax.

Jungkook's pov

I head to the dark rooms where the leaders was, as i arrived there Jimin hyung and Taehyung hyung was already there playing on their phones as they watch the leaders.

They are all stitched up, still in a blind fold and duck tape, "Having fun you five?", i speaks and everyone looks at me, "Hey Kook! Yhey are not having fun, the are in blind folds, duck tape, and was tie on a chair, how is that fun?", Taehyung hyung said and Jimin hyung smacks him.

I rolled my eyes and smiles at them, i turn my gaze to the five young leaders having my fierce gaze, i asks some guards to remove their blind folds and duck tape.

The guy in the middle, assuming he is the boss glares at me, "Why not just kill us all?", he asks, "Why do you asks for a fight in the first place?", i asks back, "We wanna rule, and eliminating your mafia will make us the strongest one, and we ca  control the system in Korea.", he said, i bend down a bit and smirks at him.

"Too bad i won, plus you just waste my time, to pay for it, you all will be lock up here until you asks to be one of my ARMY.", i said and move away from them, i look at my hyungs still playing theor phones, "Take care of them.", i said to my hyungs and they just nodded, "Oh one more thing, Jimin hyung, i need the number of your sister.", i said and he widened his eyes.

"Don't tell me you are hitting on Jiyeon!? I thought--", i cute him off this silly guy, "I need it to connect to their mafia, you know so i can get back Yoona.", i said and he nodded giving me her number, "What's her mafia codename?", i asks as i was saving Jiyeon's number, "Zoe.", he shortly reply and i go back to my office.

I dialed the number and she picks up easily, "Hello? Who's this?", she asks, "Hi Zoe.", i speaks in a low tone, "Jungkook?", she asks again, woah she knows my voice, "Jimin gave you my codename and number right?", she said and i answers with a yes, "Anyways, give the phone to your boss.", i said with a smirk tho she can't see it.

"Why?", she asks, "A speacial matter.", i said and i hear some noise of her entering a room, "Boss, a phone call for you.", i can hear the conversations, "Hello?", the boss or Yoona's dad said, "Hello Mr. Lee, remember me? The heir of Jeon mafia.", i said and chuckles a bit, "What do you want?", he asks anger was visible to his voice.

"Simply. I want Yoona.", i said, "You can't have my daughter.", he speaks and slams his table, "Then I'll just take her.", i said then chuckles again, "Let Yoona be the queen of my mafia, and you killing my parents will be forgotten.", i said sounding serious, he didn't talk, "If you won't give her, it will be another war.", i said and then hung up the phone.

Jiyeon's pov
I heard everything that they talks about, when will there be peace between Jeon-Lee mafia?!

"Zoe.", i heard boss calls, "Yes boss?", i asks, "Stalk Yoona, knkw whatever she do, who she met, who are the people around her, i can feel she hides something, and don't let your eyes off her, be aware that the heir of Jeon mafia is out looking for Yoona and want to take her.", he said and i bowed, "I will boss.", i said and get my phone back as i goes back to my room.

I called my brother to inform it to him, "You stupid, why did you gave Jungkook my number?", i ask, "He'll find it out too even if i didn't gave your number to him.", he said, "Anyways, he threatened to have another war between Jeon-Lee mafia if my boss won't gave Yoona back to him.", i said in a bit loud voice, "Let Yoona and Jungkook meet.", he said and i gasp, "Are you really that stupid oppa!? He'll take Yoona away!", i shouted, "Calm your ass sis, i got this, when they met and talk, let them decide by themselves, this is between their decisions anyways.", he said, "Yeah but i bet my boss will not allow that.", i protests, "Just follow my lead, we will put peace between this two mafia.", he said and hungs up the phone.

I sighed and lay on my bed, as i stare at the ceiling, will i and Jimin really can end this chaos?

Kidnapped By A Mafia Boss [[BTS JJK X READER Fanfic]] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now