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Taehyung's pov
Everything is going well today, everyone is on training and getting ready for tomorrow.

I was walking down the hallway and pass by Yoongi hyung's room, the door is slightly open so i overheard that he is on a phone with someone,

"Yes Mr. Lee, no one has any idea what will happen tonight, so yeah our plan of attacking tonight will be success."

My eyes widened at this news and suddenly gasps, i covered my mouth wishing for Yoongi hyung not to hear me here, and i immediately walk away.

As i walk heading to my own room i felt someone going after me, so i decided to change route and instead head to the parking where my car is.

"Shit.", i muttered as i was struggling to open my car, and a hand stopped me making me jump in shock, "H-hyung!", i said and looks towards Yoongi hyung.

"You won't stay quiet right?", he asks and i smile at him, "What are you talking about hyung?", i said acting dumb, he holds my collar and whispers in my ear, "Get inside the passenger sit.", he said and headed inside the car on the driver's seat and i followed his instructions.

He drove heading to a nearby hill, "Get off.", he said and i do as told, "Why are we here hyung..", i asks and follows him as he walks towards a tree.

"Tell me Taehyung.. am i wrong?", he asks and i stood there staring at his back, "Wrong for fighting for my love?", he continues, "Yeah... cause you are doing it the wrong way.", i said and he turns looking at me, "Will you forgive me?", he ask again, "I will, are you coming back to us?", i ask and he chuckles, "What i mean is, if i hurt you will you forgive me?", he ask and reach on his back.

I can see where this is going, so he really is planning to end me, i smiled at him, the most sweetest smile i can put up, "Of course hyung.", i said.

Hyung please treasure this smile, and the memories we all had together... i hope that will remind you, who you are.

And before i know it, i was shot on my right chest, i fall on my knees and held it, i wince in pain and looks at Hyung, "Bye Taehyung, you just trigger me, if you just stay unbothered then this won't happen.", with that he ride the car and head back, "Shit..", i cursed and search for my phone dialing Jungkook's number.

He picks up immediately after 3 rings, "Ju-jungkook.. be aware, they- ah.. attack tonight, aish.", i said between my wincing in pain, "Yes we are always prepare for that, but where are you Hyung?", he asks and i chuckles, "Just here hah... getting f-hmp-resh air.", i said and breath in pain as i pant a bit.

"Hyung, you sound injured, tell me where you are and we'll go there.", he said and it made me smile as my eyes waters and eventually tear up, I can't believe I'm leaving him, the family at this age and at this kind of dying.. forgive me aunt and uncle.. for i can't protect him for so long but i did try my best, I'll leave him to Jimin now...

"Just get ready Jungkook, and take care to all of you!", i shouted before ending the call and drop my phone besides me as i pant trying my best to breathe at my last moments, feeling the air blows towards my face, while holding the shot i got, "I forgive you Yoongi hyung...", i said and my tears continuously falls.

My eyes started to get heavy and blurry as i feel my near end, i chuckles before i let my eyes close the thought of them never leave my mind, i sure gonna miss them..

Jungkook's pov
Taehyung hyung sound very in danger so i run up to Jin hyung to ask him to track Taehyung hyung's phone, "He was in the nearest hill.", he said and me and Hoseok hyung run up to my car and drove towards the said location.

In the distant we both saw a guy sitting by the tree and head hungs low, Hoseok hyung stops the car and we both goes out running towards the figure, as I recognize who he was i stood in front of him unable to move while Hoseok hyung run up to him and hugs his head, "TAEHYUNG!",  Hoseok hyung shouted as he cries over his dead body.

My tears falls continously as i stare at him, "Who...", i started making hoseok hyung to look at me, "Who did this to you Hyung?", i continued and kneel down in front of him, "Answer me Hyung! Who?!", i ask as i shook his body, Hoseok hyung holds me hugs me trying to calm me down, "He's gone Kook... he can't tell us.", Hoseok hyung said as i calmed down and he looks at me with a unfamiliar scary face, "It's him, Yoongi, who kills our precious Taetae.", he grins like a psycho making me flinch a bit as i look st Hoseok hyung.

He stood up and carries Taehyung hyung to the car, i decides to drive as Hoseok hyung holds him on the back seat.

We arrive the mansion, Hoseok hyung enters the lobby carrying Taehyung hyung in a bridal style, as i follow them from behind, "They will pay...", Hoseok hyung said again and again as he walks heading to a black room where we will call a worker to take care of his funeral.

The others, including 'Him' goes to the black room where we put Taehyung hyung.

"I'm heading out for i suddenly feel stomach ache for smelling a thing like rotten egg.", Hoseok hyung said as glance at Yoongi hyung before heading out.

Jimin hyung, Namjoon hyung, and Jin hyung cries over Taehyung hyung while Yoongi hyung sit there behind keeping a strain face and looking as if he didn't di anything.

Yoona's pov
I was here in the admin control room with Jiyeon, we were looking up to the hacked system of Jeon mafia organization.

Jiyeon gasps as she read some new information that arrive five minutes ago, "A admin from the Jeon mafia just updated a log.", she said and i move closer to her and read the new log, "The late Mr. Kim Taehyung, Boss' Assistant...", i stopped midway and is also shocked by reading, 'Late'.

"H-he's dead?", I asks looking at Jiyeon with trembling eyes, Jiyeon nodded slowly, "It is all over the news and internet now.", she said and i checked my phone, it is on the net..

Kim Taehyung, the Boss' Assistant in the Jeon Mafia organization is now reported dead after discovering his dead body in a near hill in an unknown place, the most famous mafia organization, has now lose a powerful member.

I wonder.. how is Jungkook feeling right now, and the rest of the mafia.

Is it you, Yoongi? How? Isn't he your brother?

This is all of my fault right? Taehyung dying cause of the will to protect me and Jungkook, if only that day, i became very careful i wouldn't bump on him and bring the bad lucks and war in their family..

How stupid of me.. i was the one deserving to die.

Kidnapped By A Mafia Boss [[BTS JJK X READER Fanfic]] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now