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Yoongi's pov
-Tomorrow Morning-
I heard it. I heard it all, i heard every plan they have, so it is you Taehyung, who figure everything out.

Because of you all my plans is ruined, you might really win the war and Jungkook will win Yoona, i can't let that happen, i don't want to let go of someone i love just because i am not enough, again.

My thoughts was interrupted when Hoseok suddenly enters my office, "Hey hyung we have a meeting.", he said, why invite me tho if they all know i am the traitor, i stood up and goes outside my office heading to the meeting hall, as i walk i can hear Hoseok asking, 'Why', he soon follows behind me and we both arrived the meeting hall.

Oh, the three guys from yesterday was here too,
Seungcheol the boss, Joshua the assistant, and Woozi the right Hand, so their organization will be assisting Jungkook, this is very annoying, they are underestimating me. And the kids from Txt mafia is here too? What great force they have, this thoughts made me smirks internally.

"So everyone is here, let us all sit and start this meeting.", Jungkook said and we all sat down, let's see how fake this meeting is, they all thought i still doesn't know, how pityful.

"By the way, this is Min Yoongi the mafia doctor and spy, hyung i am sure you know this people already.", Jungkook said and i nodded, then the meeting has begun.

They talk about how to attack the Lee Mafia, some strategies and hacking, and all, it's obviously very fake, "And if we won the war, we get to be number one, Svt Inc. get what they want, Txt kids will have permanent positions here, and i get back my Yoona.", Jungkook finishes and everyone agrees, the meeting end without me saying a single word, i left and headed to my office with a smirk.

"Nice try Jungkook.", i said to my self and chuckles, i sat on my chair then i receive a phone call from Yoona's dad.

I answers the call, "Yes?", i said, "Come, we have a meeting.", he said then ends the phone call, i headed out to go to the Lee mansion.

-Lee Mansion-
The guards lets me in and assists me to the meeting hall, "I'm here.", i said and sat on the chair next to Yoona, i held Yoona's hand and she looks away from me, "Yoona-", i was cut off by mr. Lee.

"What are their plan Yoongi?",Mr. Lee asks and i look at him still holding Yoona' hand, "They get assistance to Svt Inc. a small mafia organization that hides their identity as a Inc., also the Txt leaders that we beat months ago is also helping thos kids are very skillful also, they are also planning to spy here, and do strategies to bring your mafia down.", i said the whole truths that i knew when i am spying inside without everyone knowing, how clumsy of them not to know this skills i have when i worked there for almost all my life.

Mr. Lee smirks and clap his hands, "Alright, we will attack tomorrow night, what some great alas i have in my hand right now.", he said and we both smiles to each other, "Boss.", Zoe or Jiyeon suddenly speaks, "Yes Zoe?", Mr. Lee asks and looks at her losing his smile, "Do i prepare the troops and materials now..?", she said but she really sounds like she hesitated, Mr. Lee nods, "Yes do that, and the meeting is dismiss, and Yoona you should talk at this kind of things.", Mr. Lee said and Yoona lets go of my hand and stood up heading outside, so i followed her.

Yoona's pov
This is too much, Yoongi... who are you just now? I seem to don't know you anymore.

"Yoona-", i cut him off with a slap, "Why?", i ask and he held his cheeks slowly looking at me, "Why have you turn so cruel?", i ask again, "I am doing this for us Yoona!", he shouted and held my shoulder but i shook his hands away and glared at him, "No Yoongi... you are doing this for yourself! For your own goo only!", i shouted and my teats had fallen.

"We wanted to be together right?", he said, "Yes! But i want to be with the Yoongi i know, but right now, you are being selfish, you don't seems to want to get my plan, i have a way to let this down in a peaceful way but instead you turn this in to war!", i shouted and he looks down as his tears falls on the ground.

"I'm tired...", he started, "I am tired of always losing someone i love.", he said and looks at me with a crying eyes and a sad smile, "I just can't afford to lose you Yoona...", he said and wipes his tears, i was left there silent, "So wether you like it or not, i am doing all this in my way, in order to get to get you.", he said and gave me a sweet smile before leaving me there unable to talk.

'You are still being selfish Yoongi...', is all i have in mind.

I was startled when Jiyeon tapped my shoulder, "Yoona..", she calls and i look at her, "Y-yeah?", i said and wipes my tears, she suddenly hugs me, "I know you are in a hard situation right now, i am sorry i can't do anything even to my brother... but i promise that this will end soon.", she said and i hugs her back tightly, "Jiyeon... thank you for everything, all i want is for you to be safe.", i said and she nods as she breaks the hug.

"I'll go now, i still need to do preparations, your dad said that you can help by watching the connected system of Jeon mafia here inside the administration's room, you can communicate to us throu that also.", she said and i nodded, although i don't want to do this, i can't do anything about the situation.

Jiyeon left and i headed to my room crying, "It's all my fault...", i said and smiles at myself, "What a worst thing you've done Yoona.", i added as my tears are uncontrollably falling.

Jungkook's pov
The plan is set, and everything is going smoothly so far, i am planning to attack the day after tomorrow so we can be perfectly ready.

Taehyung hyung enters my office with a smile on his face, "Jungkook, after the war, i would like a vacation.", he said and giggles, "Oh sure hyung.", i said and smiles at him, he stretches his arms and cheers, "Thank you bro, and also thanks to your family... i get to live.", he said and suddenly hugs me, "I am very thankful i am willing to give my life, please take care Jungkook, you still have so many things to do.", he said and pats my head with a smile before leaving.

"Why are you sounding like... saying goodbye?" I said to myself and sat back down, a tear falls on my eyes without me knowing.

Kidnapped By A Mafia Boss [[BTS JJK X READER Fanfic]] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now