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Yoona's pov
They are preparing for the attack tonight, Jiyeon was also getting ready, i go up to her and pat her shoulder, "Jiyeon... your brother.", i said and she looks at me smiling sadly, "I know, but i swear not to hurt him.", she said and i notice the pain in her words, i know she wanna have peace now.

"Jiyeon, you done?", Yoongi said appearing out of nowhere, me and Jiyeon both look at him and Jiyeon noddee to him, "Boss said to tell you to head down as soon as you're done, we are all ready to go.", Yoongi said then glances at me before heading down.

I wonder if he feels hurt as he calls my dad his Boss when he was raised to address the Jeons as his Boss... Yoongi, how are you really feeling right now? Are you... happy?

They leave the mansion and i was left here in the admin with a few members to guard.

"They are also getting ready?", i ask myself as i watch the boys gets ready, i also see a camera directed to Taehyung's dead body, i saw Hoseok enters the room carress Taehyung's cheeks before heading out with a glaring look.

In a few minutes i saw a quarrel from the main gate, they've arrive there. In the main lobby there awaits the boys with their top Army, together with their alliance.

"Please end this tonight...", i said as i clasp my hands together and keep watching the next moments.

Jungkook's pov
Svt Inc members is also here, they sure had lots of members to offer for the alliance it is a good help, the Txt mafia leaders are also well trained now base on my likings, we are in position in the main lobby waiting for them to enter, "Come on Yoongi hyung, let's see if you choose the right side.", i said and with that the door opens revealing him.

Two lanes of army goes in front of us in order to protect us, the same goes to their side, we back away a bit, the shooting from both sides starts and we all get to hide in our positions

I peek and shoot some of their members, i saw Yoongi hyung heading to a hallway together with a small of group of their member, in the other side it was Jiyeon.. why is she even still there,.

I gestures Hoseok hyung and Namjoon hyung to follow Yoongi hyung, they nodded at me and headed, i then gestures Jimin hyung to follow his sister, he nodded and ordered the Txt kids to follow him.

I was left here with Svt Inc members (not the leaders, their soldiers only), some of my armys, and Jin hyung.

Jin hyung goes near me hiding besides me, i saw his shoulder dripping blood, "Hyung-", he cuts me off, "Don't mind this, this is just a slight shot, focus.", he said and and continues shooting some of their members, i just can't lose someone again...

I nodded at Jin hyung and move on the center shooting as many enemy i can, they all falls down and the shooting stops for a moment, Jin hyung goes in front of me patting my head while smiling, and suddenly he spits blood and falls on my shoulder, i look behind him and a new group of enemy have arrived, "What the hell are you idiots standing there for?! Shoot the hell out of this fucking shits!", i shouted at my members and carries Jin hyung heading the west wing lounge, as my members continued fighting them.

"Shit shit! Hyung, come on don't leave me!", i said and panics as i pressed a cloth on his upper left stomach trying to prevent blood from coming out, he coughs and hold my hand, "Win.. this, and have the peace we all want.", he said and tightly grasp my arms.

I reach my pocket for my phone and immediately called Ms. Anne to heal Jin hyung, she arrived in a few moments with a kit, she gasps as she saw Jin hyung's situation, "Quick! He is losing blood!", i shouted and Ms. Anne nodded as she started treating his wounds.

I was about to go out and watch from outside the door but was stopped when a gun points right in my forehead, it was Yoona's dad, behind him was Yoongi hyung and two members holding Hoseok hyung and Namjoon hyung.

"See kid? You ain't ready to fight me, your dad must've beat me but i still manage to kill them, and you? You're just a piece of cake.", he said smirking as he push his gun more to my forehead.

"Is that so?", i said mocking his smirk, i can see he is getting irritated by me, i darted my gaze to my 'brother' behind him, "What a good side kick you have.", i said and glared at Yoongi hyung, lifting Mr. Lee's gaze to me giving me the timing to grab his gun and stole it from him and immediately pointing it at him.

I chuckles, "What is your problem Mr. Lee? Scared of me killing your daughter? Why would i kill her if she was the one who changed me?!", i shouted as i move closer to him gesturing Hoseok hyung and Namjoon hyung to hold Yoongi hyung and Mr. Lee.

"You said i was a piece of cake? Who is the piece of cake now?!", i said the anger is getting the best of me, i was about to pull the triger when someone shouted at me.

"Stop it!", the voice said and i look up at her, "Y-yoona.. how did you get in here?!", i said shock at how she manage to pass the danger outside, "Stop this bullshit now, don't you see people dying?!", she said anger is in her eyes, she stole the gun on my hand and throw it somewhere.

"Yoona who told you to go here?!", her dad asks and pulled her to him, Yoongi hyung held her shoulder and she shrugged his hands off, she looks at him and slaps him, "Why are you like this?!", she shouted, "Yoona it's for u-", she cuts him off, "What?! For us?? Snap out of it Yoongi, it's only for you!", she shouted once again and before she speaks another word she collapsed, i widened my eyes when i see her drop on the floor.

"Now it's quiet, where were we?", Mr. Lee said as he throw a injection away, i glared at him and was about to punch him but someone beat me to it, "What the hell did you do?!", Yoongi hyung furiously holds his collar, "Make her shut up, why are you acting like this? You coming back to this kid?", Mr. Lee asks and Yoongi hyung locks eyes with me.

Are you? Cause we are willing to have you back but you have to face the consequences of you killing Taehyung hyung so...Yoongi hyung are you coming back?

His eyes soften in me but then it turn dark when he looks at Mr. Lee, "You are so dead!", he shouted before getting his gun and about to shoot.

"Hold it!",.

Kidnapped By A Mafia Boss [[BTS JJK X READER Fanfic]] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now