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Yoona's pov
I was busy arranging the designs for my new collection when my phone rings, it was my assistant Jiyeon or Zoe, i pick up her call, "Yes?", was the one i use to greet her, she sighs first before speaking, "Please meet up with Jungkook.", she said making me go quiet, "Go out of your office and I'll explain everything.", she said before hunging up.

I was so taken a back by what she said, i slowly move my feet out of my office where Jiyeon waits, "Jungkook threatened another war if your parents won't gave you to him, you have to fix this Yoona, your decisions will be the key here.", Jiyeon said but i kept staringat the floor, "Give me time to think of what to do...", I said, "Yoona, we don't have much time to do, if you want i can---", i cut her off, "I'll tell you my answers tomorrow.", i said and goes back to my office.

I sat on my chair and stare at my desk, "I can't lie to myself... i still love him.", i said as i play with the pen besides me, i should talk to him and explain to him that he should stop.

Jungkook's pov
I was now in front of Yoongi hyung's clinic, i opened it and saw him inside, "Jungkook? Why are you here?", he asks and stop whatever he is doing, "Hyung, i am gonna take back Yoona and don't you ever dare do something to stop her from coming back to me.", i said and he smirks at me and it pissed me off, "Who says I'm gonna do something to stop her? I know that she will still choose me at the end.", he said fixing his coat, "Are you that sure?", i ask now it's my time to smirk at him.

"Yes, i am very sure.", he said as he take a step closer to me, i glared at him, "We'll see about that after we talk.", i said and ge widened his eyes, "Talk? You two will meet?", he asks tho i am not really sure if i am saying the truth, "Yeah, so back off hyung!", before he even notice i am lying, i goes out his clinic and walks away.

I then decided to go the black room to talk with Jimin hyung, as i enter there i saw the leaders of TxT kneeling down on Taehyung hyung and Jimin hyung, "What's happening here?", i asks, "Eyy Kook, this kids is begging us to let them join our mafia.", Taehyung hyung said, "I guess they fit the slot for slaves?", Jimin hyung said and they both laughs, "Yeah yeah, put them in the army, tell Hoseok hyung to train them to be assassin.", i said and the two looks at me in disbelief.

"Are you sure about this Kook?", Taehyung hyung asks, "Yeah, what if they--", i cut off Jimin hyung, "They will try doing something? Kill them, simple as that, anyways, Jimin hyung let's talk first.", i said and goes out of the black room, "What is it Jungkook?", he asks, "Are you and Jiyeon, planning something?", i asks and his face shows a hint of shock, "H-how did you know?", he asks again, "Of course after telling her my plan, she will tell you, and to protect your sister, you will make plan with her, so what is it?", i said.

"I really do underestimate your intelligence Kook, our plan is to, let you two talk, because you will listen to whatever Yoona will said.", he said, well he got a point, "It is true that i will respect and listen to whatever she will say...", i said, "But did she agree on meeting me?", i added, "Well Jiyeon haven't tell me anything yet.", he said and i sighs, "I'll wait till tomorrow.", i said and goes back to my room.

Yoona's pov
-Night time-

I have to make the right decision, ok so i will talk to him, and tell him to stop whatever he is planning on.

I decided to tell it to Jiyeon, so i call her, "Hello Jiyeon?", i speak, "Yes Yoona???", she asks sounding like she is expecting something, "I will meet him, in the park near the amusement park, tomorrow by after lunch.", i said and i can feel her smile up to my house, "Thank you Yoona!", she said, "And i will tell him to stop his plans.", i said, "Do you think he will listen?", she asks worried is notice on her voice, "I will do my best, goodnight Jiyeon.", and then i end the phone call.

I look thru my cabinet to find something nice to wear for tomorrow, after minutes of looking for a dress i realize something, this is not a date so why should i get ready much? I sighs and goes back to my bed.

I wonder if Yoongs knows about this, but i do wish he is fine right now, what i am confuse about is, why is Jungkook doing all this for me? Does he just wanted to take revenge on my parents or does he really grew obsession on me?

I just decided to sleep as those thoughts run thru my head.

Jimin's pov
Suddenly when i was about to sleep my phone rung, what does this brat need?

"What is it Jiyeon??", i ask sounding annoyed cause i am, "Yoona will meet up with Jungkook.", she said and tell me all the details before i end the call, i then run to Jungkook's room to tell a news he surely will love.

I burst inside his room and he glares at me, "Privacy hyung! Learn how to knock, gosh.", he said and i just brush it off, and tell him everything he needs to know, he smiled like an idiot, "I can finally meet her again.", he said and hugs me, "Privacy Kook! Learn how to give space gosh.", i said and we both laugh, he really is happy when it comes to Yoona.

"Well sleep well, you got a date tomorrow.", i teased and he rolled his eyes before i closes his door, it really feels nice seeing him happy, he deserves it, i hope Mr. Lee will ever lower his pride and accept that Jeon mafia is stronger than them, it's all his fault after all.

Yoona's pov
-Next day-

I clread my afternoon meetings just to meet up with him, I'm sure he knows where to we will meet.

I headed to the place i told Jiyeon, and from a far i saw him waiting for me, he was looking at every directions from time to time while sitting at a bench, not gonna lie, i miss him, i feel like hugging him, but we meet to fix everything, "Yoona, you are here to save and fix everything.", i told myself before walking to him.

"Sorry for the wait.", i said and he slowly looks at me with a smile on his face.

Kidnapped By A Mafia Boss [[BTS JJK X READER Fanfic]] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now