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Jungkook's pov
As soon as i heard her voice, i smiled, i slowly look at her and stood up, hugging her immediately.

"I miss you, Yoona.", i said and she didn't move a single muscle, "Uhm Jungkook i gues we are here for an important issue.", she said which makes me breaks the hug and sat again on the bench, the park is sure almost empty, only few people walk pass us.

"So... i guess Jiyeon have told you my plan.", i said and she nodded her head,  "Why did you agree on meeting up with me? Are you going back to me..?", i ask moving step closer to her, she put her hand in between us preventing me to come any closer.

"I'm here to... make you stop Jungkook.", she said and lower her head, "W-what do you mean?", i ask, she sighs and looks at me, "Stop this Jungkook, if you want peace, then stop all of this!", she said making me look away from her, "I just can't... the moment i saw you, it's the first time i feel happy again.", i said lowering my head, "Don't be selfish Jungkook.", she said and i look up at her.

"You want me to stop right? Then, if that will make you happy I'll give it to you, i won't bother you again.", i said and stood up, "But, can we... enjoy this time? Let's go to the amusement park,  please.", i said hoping she'll agree.

Yoona's pov
I sighs, "Fine.", i answers and he smiles wide, i stare at him for a bit and he fake coughed, "So? Let's go?", he asks putting his hand in front of me, asking for my hand, i hesitated but hold it.

He then drag me to the amusement park, he paid for the tickets and we enter the park, "Jungkook, my hand.", i said and he looks at our hand, instead of letting it go, he intertwined it.

I look away to hide my now blushing face, i can feel the heat rushing in my cheeks, "So what ride should we go first?", he asks and i look at the fast rides, it's not bad enjoying this time right?

I held his hand tightly and pulled him, "We should ride the roller coaster first.", i said and drag him to the line.

After waiting on what feels like an eternity we finally got to ride the roller coaster, i was so excited that i forget why we both meet up, i was smiling like an idiot, "It has been long since my last ride.", i told him and smiles wide, he smiles at him and held my hand again before the ride starts.

-Time skip-
After the roller coaster, we ride almost everything, and now it was 6:30 pm, "Woah didn't notice it was this late.", i said and giggles, "Yeah i was having i lot fun with you.", he said smiling, "Do you perhaps want to eat?", he asks looking so happy, it is notice in his eyes tho.

"Yeah sure, I'm starving anyways.", i said and we both laugh as my stomach growls, we then slowly walks to the food court this amusement park has, we sat across each other, "What do you wanna eat?", he asks, "Just pasta and juice will do.", i said and he stood up going to the counter.

After some time he was carrying our food to our table, he put it down and i noticed that he ordered the same as mine.

"Ah yeah, i ordered pasta and juice for me too cause i don't really know what i like.", he said and scratches the back of his neck, "Oh well let's eat.", i said and smiles, we eat in a comfortable silence, from time to time i glance at him, he looks cute while he eat, and that makes me smile, he suddenly look at me making my smile fade and soon i felt my cheek heats.

"Is there something on my face?", he asks and i shook my head, "Oh wait there is something on your face.", he said and i grab a tissue but he beat me to it, he wipes the corner of my lips, and then we stare at each other's eyes, i look away immediately, "Ah thanks.", i said continue eating.

After eating, we go for a walk admiring the beautiful night sky, he stop walking making me stop too, "Is there something wrong?", i asks looking at him, "Will you not change your mind?", he asks fixing his gaze over me, he took steps closer till we were only a step away from each.

He hold both of my hand, "Will you really ask me to stay away from you?", he asks again i just looks down, he had spoiled the fun we are having with this serious questions, i open my mouth to talk but close it again when nothing came out.

"Is it Yoongi hyung?", he asks making me look at him with wide eyes, "H-how did you..", i asks and he tightens the grip on my hand, "I will respect it Yoona.", he said and lets go of my hand, i hugs him, "Jungkook, this is the right thing to do so we could have peace.", i said and breaks the hug, "Before i stay away from you, let me do this.", he said before pulling me close by my waist and his other hand held my cheeks and pulls me into a kiss.

I widened my eyes at the sudden contact of his lips with mine, but soon i kissed him back, he tightened the hold on my waist pulling me closer till our bodies were touching no space in between us, i put my hand gently on his chest, as he slowly breaks the kiss, he connected our foreheads and look at my eyes, "Do you still love me?", he asks, "Answer me honestly Yoona.", he said and i nods, "Yes..", i said and he smiles, "I will do my best to get you in a right way Yoona.", he said and i just nodded at his statement, i worry about Yoongi, i love him too.

Yoongi's pov
I guess they haven't notice that i was following them whenever they go, i heard every conversation they are having, and every words and moments they have, breaks my heart.

Especially now that i saw them kissing, and Yoona confessing that she still loves Jungkook, now i ask myself, when will i ever be enough? I was always the good guy here, since she got in the mansion i was the one who helps her, and worry about her but why is Jungkook who she still choose?

I should take her, i will show her that it is me that she should choose, i just can't bare this.

"I have to know a way to make her choose me.", i said and that's when i leave them alone and goes back to the mansion.

Kidnapped By A Mafia Boss [[BTS JJK X READER Fanfic]] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now