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And here I was, sitting on the chair that I have been sitting on for the past 2 months. I never really hate school until this little freaky fucker showed up.

His name was Kim Sockjean. I mean Seokjin. Popular in here, cocky, tall, too confident, the list could go on and on in my notebook on how I describe him.

Our first encounter wasn't really good either.

I silently walk down the side until I bump into someone, I look only to see him smirking.

“Oh I'm sorry” his voice was filled with sarcasm . I rolled my eyes.

“Didn't want your dirty little hand to have contact with me anyways.” I snap at him. He raised his eyebrows as he find it amusing.

I stood up before leaving him.


I really hate him and he does the same. And most likely the girls would drool at him, mostly the first one to ask him out.

The door opened, and Soakchin appeared, his eyes already set on me as if he's planning something. Better prepare..

“Someone's here already” he said out loud catching all the girls attention. I look at him as his smirk grow bigger.

“yeah, someone who will kill you in your sleep” I mumbled, enough for him to hear.

“Oh, someone must've woke up on the wrong side of the bed” he chuckled before making his way next to me. I ignore him then continue on drawing. He was quiet for sometime, examining my drawing.

“Didn't know you have talent”

“And didn't know you can speak nornally”

“I speak normally” he sat up straight, moving closer.

“I was talking about how ugly you draw” he said. My anger was rising, this pig really wants me to beat him up.

“Shut the fuck up, wide wood”I glared at him as he raised his eyebrow.

“Is that a compliment or an insult Miss who-called-me-wide-wood?”

I was about to snap back at him when Ms. Puka, I don't know if it is just me or her last name sounds weird, close to puke.

The teacher didn't bother on telling Shookjin to go back to his seat, he's lucky his father owned this school.

Sigh, I was listening to our teacher when a crumbled paper was thrown at me.

My head automatically turn to the side and saw him. I glared at him before listening once again.


I know I barely leave some messages now, but I'm really sorry to my readers out there for making some short stories compared the ones I made when I first joined. Hope you like this, leave some comment for suggestions and like if you liked this chapter. I'll update more recently since its Christmas. I'll try, fighting~

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