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Waking up before doing my routines just like everyday. Fixing my bed hair and turned it into a messy bun. It was the only hairstyle I can do aside from ponytails. I suck at it. Changing my clothes into some high waisted jeans and tucked my striped pink long sleeved shirt.

I arrived soon after taking a bus and went to my classroom, sitting quietly while drawing some faces that I usually draw.

The door opened, the girls immediately whispered somethings against each others ear. And I perfectly knew who it was.

“Hey babe,”he called, gaining attentions as he made his way towards me. He smiled and sat next to me.

“I didn't know you could draw.” he stated, I rolled my eyes and rested my head on my palm while I the other hand draws. He place his arm behind me, resting it on my chair.

“Me too.” I replied, he chuckled and ruffled my hair.

“Aigoo, my girlfriend is ticked off. Are you?”

“Stop, you're exaggerating.”he nodded happily and sat up straight once the the teacher had entered.  Focusing on the teacher, Jin slides his arm around my waist protectively once Yongshi enters the room. She eyes the two of us and sat on her chair.

The day went by and it was already 4:00 pm. I shoved the things in my bag before throwing it on my shoulders. As soon as I got out of my classroom, a hand stopped infront of me, blinking twice, I saw Jin, with a cheeky smile and placed his arms around my waist.

“I miss you,.” he whispered, I looked at him with my eyebrows furrowed as I felt my cheeks heat up.

“People are looking.” he whispered before I could say anything. I nod and smiled, acting as if he was complimenting me. We walk down the hallway and saw Namjoon and Yongshi together, the latter looking at us sharply.

“Come, let's go babe.” he said, intertwining our hands together before leaving the school. We decided to go to this cute little shop where they have cats wandering around. It was a café to be exact.

“As your boyfriend, I must treat my girlfriend.” he stated and grabbed my hand and walk towards the counter.

“I'll have a strawberry shake and..”he looked at me.

“I'll have chocolate shake.” I said.

“And chocolate shake please.” he repeated and quickly took out a credit card. He thanked the girl who was obviously drooling on him as we walk to a table near the window, the cats followed us and meowed.

“Aren't they all cute?” I squealed, he chuckled and nodded in agreement before taking a drink on his shake while I did the same thing before scratching gently the cats head one by one.

We finished and left the café right away due to that lady who had been trying to get Jin's attention and would stare at him whilst biting her lips. I mean, ew.

“See you tomorrow.”he waved in his car before rolling up the window once again and left my house. I stare at his car until it was no more seen.

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