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"I hope you had fun Y/n," Yoongi smiled and waved goodbye to me along with the other boys. I smiled back and went inside only to find Mom watching TV along with my brother. I greeted them before heading to my bedroom.


Summer has ended and I guess time really do come fast, I miss watching dramas. I grab my bag as soon as I finish putting on my shoes and bid goodbye to mom. Closing the door, I look around and spotted the bus now at the station.

Bitch you gotta rUN.
and so I did.

I run as fast as I could but the driver was being a badie and started driving. Such a bad luck for a first day of school. I look around and spotted other students from my school walking as I see their faces not looking happy at all.

"Y/n!" A familiar voice calls my name out and I turn around to see Jimin running towards me while gripping the straps of his bag cutely, he reminds me of an 5 year old kid.

I wave at him before starting to walk and he soon walks beside me, panting loudly. He smiled in reassurance while giving me a thumbs up, "Are you excited?"

The boy beside me asked with a smile as his eyes turned into crescent. "Yes, but I'm afraid something bad will happen." I said as he nodded.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen unless someone will do stupid, am I right?"

"Yeah" I smiled back now feeling less worried as I glance at the boy whose eyes are now covered with his brown locks. How can he look so flawless?

We soon arrive at school and waved goodbye to each other as I look at my time schedule and Science was the first subject we'll be taking notes of. I have always been fond of writing notes even though I usually don't read them but still have good grades.

Glancing at my wristwatch, it was still 7:32 which means there's still time to walk around and might as well go to the Restroom. I stand up and head to-
wards the door and open it only to bump into a chest. Looking up, I saw the familiar angelic face I was fond at andー

Am I crazy?

I shake my head and slightly bowed to him and walk away without giving him a last glance. My heart was beating so fast it could burst out into my chest soon. I hope not. I walk around for a while and head to the Restroom as said.

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