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1 month later.

His slender fingers fiddled around the pecil he's holding just now, his glasses attempting to fall from the bridge of his nose ー he was busy solving math problems that wasn't left for him to solve.

My eyebrow furrowing at the equations messily written on his notebook ー I wasn't good on math one bit but I can understand once it is explained.

He closed his notebook same with the book.

“I heard there's a rapping contest that will be held.”I start off.

His eyes instantly met mine, his brows rising.

“I don't do rapping stuffs.”

“Oh really? Then what about the recordings you have in your phone?”

“Hーhey! It was private and how could you invade someone's privacy?” he frowned, his cheeks turning crimson red as he tried to hide it.

“Why hide it when you can show it?” he glared at me with his hand pinching his nose, shaking his head slowly.

“I'll, I'll just think about it,”


My hands settled on the table, supporting both of my feet that seemed to have difficulty on standing ー maybe I sat down for too long that made my legs get bored and its soul tried to leave, what kind of explanation is this?

“We should get going now.” I nod slightly, glancing at my wrist watch that my mom had bought me a month ago. It was so random that I almost want to cry, my mother just bought me my favourite watch out of nowhere.

“See you,”he wave his hand goodbye before parting ways.


“Aigoo, you should buy such beautiful flowers that are beautiful as you too young lady.” The old lady exclaimed happily, her right arm carrying a basket full of different flowers.

I gave her a smile and took out my wallet.

“Anything will do miss.”

The lady chuckled heartedly and looked through the basket of flowers before grabbing one that is not familiar with me.

“This is named aster, this symbolizes patience young lady. It indicates love of variety and don't forget, it symbolizes elegamce and daintiness.”

she explained.

The flower in my hand had a beautiful feature, its color was red.

“May you have a great day,” she smiled, walking off from my sight.

“Having another gift from your admirer I see,”

I turn to look at Namjoon, his brown orbs inspecting the red beautiful flower on my hand. His place his finger on the small red petals that surrounds everywhere.

“Its not a gift, I bought it from an old lady.” I explained. He nod before walking forward with his hands in his pockets. I walk after him,

“Recognition is coming.”

“I know.”

“And, I'm moving.” he silently mumbles, but that didn't stop my incredible ears from hearing.

“Where? Why? When?” I ask, all questions in my head coming out in one breath from my mouth, he look at me with his eyes ready to spill a whole river..

.. kidding.

“After recognition, my dad decided to move me so it is easier for us to talk. I'm sorry Y/n, I really don't like this but ー”

“Aniya, it's okay. I'm going t-to be fine.” I sobbed.

“Please don't cry. It hurts me seeing you cry.” He whispered, engulfing me into a hug where my body becomes warm. Warmer than olaf's hug.

“You're leaving.” I whined.

“The bus is here. Let's go home.”

I nodded and took out my phone to see my reflection.

Damn my eyes are really red.

After a short while, we arrived and got off as we entered our house, my house. We put our shoes on the rack and sat on the couch with him not leaving a hand on me.

“We may be far from each other, but our hearts will be close to each other.”

he whispered against my ear.

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