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The first three periods in the morning is already done and I am now heading to the cafeteria I haven't seen for two months and the place I missed the most in school. I grab my lunch box to open it, instantly smelling the sweet omelet my mom has made this morning.

Looking around, I spot the six men sitting together as I sat alone in this large table. I was used to this anyway and was not really bothered about the fact the no one wants to sit with me.

"Hey? I was wondering if I could sit here." The girl asked and I nodded, smiling at her warmly as she flashed me the same smile. "My names Areum, how about you?,"

"Y/n, it's realy nice to meet you. And I haven't seen you around, are you perhaps new?" I ask the girl as she looks up at me. She nodded.

I can't stop staring at her, she looked flawless and all. I continue eating my food until there's nothing left but grab my apple juice the was packed along with my lunch.

"I hope to talk to you again," I wave at her who did the same gesture at me as I walk out of the loud place filled with students, looking around it sounds so quiet the made me nervous a bit.

Being alone at a place where its dead quiet and no people around was once of my biggest fear. I calmed myself mentally as I suddenly heard footsteps behind me.

I turn around and see Jin with his hands in his pockets. I inhaled deeply before closing my mouth to make my mouth bigger.

its just that dude.

and the same person who blamed me for someones death.

I ignore him and continue walking to the same classroom I walked in this morning. Sitting down, I grab my phone from my bag and scrolled through the Facebook to see any notifications.

To find out there's none, I close my phone and look out the window to see the birds flying together up high in the sky. I glance at my wristwatch and only 30 minutes left the first period of the afternoon will start.

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