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“Y/n! You done!?” Mom shouted across the room while she stood against the door with her fancy bag on her left arm.

The day has come where we get our medals while going up the stage with their parent/s. My heart clenched knowing Namjoon won't be here for long, they will be moving in New Zealand in 2 days.

I placed my pink brush on the large table where we usually do our make up and put on my school shoes. I hurriedly made my way to the front door as my mom locked it. My brother pouted as he tug on my shirt.

“Noona, you're getting old.” he said.

“That won't matter. No matter what you do, you'll always get old anyways.”

We got on our car and started tge engine while we both sat behind ーtalking to each other.

"I can't believe my daughter is going to step higher." Mom stated, wiping her invisble tears as I laugh ーI love how she makes things funny even at the smallest things.

"Thanks mom."

"Eomma! Can I eat chocolates right after?" My brother asked hopefully and she said yes. We arrived short after and got off as I saw students now at the gym.

"Y/n!" Someone called, turning around, I saw Namjoon waving his hand in the air. I look beside him and saw his mother with a smile carved on her face.

"You look so pretty dear," his mother complimented and thanked her. We all look at the principal who will be announcing as we all sat down.

Sadly, me and Namjoon aren't together since he's younger than me. But I guess the universe just hates me, I was sitting next to Kim Seokjin.

It was such a surprise to see his presence at last and it made me happy.


I hate him and he hates me.

After being called one by one, the principal said a few things after then, it ended. Both our parents with Namjoon had decided to eat together at lunch.

"Namjoon!" I call to gather his attention. He smiled and ran to me before standing straight.

"We are having lunch together!" I squealed.

He grinned as he took his phone from his pocket before opening the camera showing ourselves on the screen.


I made a peace pose before smiling widely.


"And I was like, who are you?" Ms. Kim chuckled after what she said. Both our moms are talking while Jun is busy playing his toy cars.

"Since you're leaving in 2 days. How about we hang out?" I suggested. He agreed, immediately chewing his food and grabbed his coke.

"And I will make it the best days you have in your life."

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