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One month later.

“What!? Yongshi committed suicide?! Why?” the girl exclaimed causing some other students to jolt their heads up with a worried look.

“Yes..” the other girl sobbed harder before wiping them with her handkerchief that was on her right hand. I look at them worriedly and got up from your seat and left the classroom, it was still early so no worries about getting late.

I went to Namjoon's classroom and saw him sitting on his chair with his head placed on his crossed arms that was placed on the table infront of him.

“Namjoon,.” I called softly, he lifts his head up and my heart sank almost immediatly, he has tears running down on his cheeks and his hair was a mess, not to forget his eyes that were red.

“Y/n, I'm sorry if I look like a mess.” he apologized, I smiled sadly and look away after remembering how he doesn't like people who only pity him.

“Dude, why are you apologizing?”He chuckled through his tears and stood up from his chair, I stood infront of their door and opened my arms to hug him.

His classmates stared at us and smiled, they knew about us being so close and looked at us happily, but sad at the same time for Namjoon's loss.

“Hey, it's gonna be okay.” I mumbled, enough for the both of us to hear and he shook his head, dugging his head deeper on my neck, his hot breath slightly tickling me.

He looks up to me and smiled.

“I-I'm really sorry i-if I have made y-your shirt wet.” he said between sniffs. I said it was okay, he nodded and wiped his tears with the handkerchief that I had gave him a while ago.

“Now now, everything's going to be okay.” I comforted him and said reassuring things as he just listened and hugged me tightly before letting me go, the class was almost starting and bid goodbye to him and will meet up when it's lunch time.


I arrived back to my classroom and saw Jin still not on his usual seat; next to mine to be precise. I sigh and sat on my chair, waiting for the bell to ring and the teacher to come and start her lesson.

“So today we're just going to learn about linear equations and inequalities.” Mrs. Kim stated boringly, I mean, she has been teaching for almost 10 years now and has never discussed other subjects aside from math.


School ends smoothly and have never seen Jin even once, I decided to pay him a visit and let Namjoon know first. I soon find myself right infront of their gate and pressed the button as doorbell.

The gate opened and went inside their house and saw a familiar figure standing near the fridge.

“Jin?” I call him.

“Oh you're here.” he turned around and saw his eyes weren't the eyes I used to see everyday, the bright ones. Today, his eyes were cold.

“Why didn't you go to school?”

“Why should I?You are there and everytime I see your face, I just feel my blood boil so much.” he stated, unknowingly, my heart felt heavy for some reason.


“Yeah, you're the reason why Yongshi died. I hate you so much, I don't even know why I made a plan about fake dating. Get out of my house. I wish I have never met you.” wow, that hurts.

I could only nod.

“Goodbye then.” my voice came out as a whisper and couldn't be heard by him and decided to leave his place.

Why was I the person to blame?

I sigh sadly, tears unknowingly starts to come out from my eyes. And rain starts to pour, guess the both of us are sad then.

I arrived home and saw the house still empty, guess they have went to the mall or something. Putting off my wet shoes aside, I ran to my room and to the bathroom.

After changing, I went to the kitchen to grab some sweets that I could eat while watching some dramas.

I just can't help but keep on remembering Jin's words;

I wish I have never meet you.

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