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Welcome back once again! I hope you enjoy this chapter and without further delay let's get on with it!

Rosie, Yukine, and their master Yato all stood around awaiting a job call. Soon enough said call came from what sounded like a young man having trouble in school. They all were quickly transported away to where the call had come from and they were pretty surprised with where exactly they ended up landing. When they looked around they found that they were in the stalls of the girl's restroom at some school in the area. When Yukine and Rosie checked outside of their desperate stalls they found Hiyori throwing things in Yato's direction as he tried to explain himself. Yukine tried to defend his case on to be hit as well when Rosie stepped in between them. "Hiyori-chan, please calm down! This was but a simple mistake, honest! Let us or at least let me explain the situation! I'm sure you'll understand!" The brunette exclaimed as she was back to being the polite little peacemaker she always is. Sure, she had a bit of an outburst the other day, but her emotions were swirling at the time. Now those feelings have subsided... At least for now, that is. Those emotions definitely aren't all gone yet, but they are being kept at bay for the time being and until they arise again, there is nothing she knows of that she can do about it except for wait.

All of them sat on their knees in front of Hiyori who was demanding an explanation from them. Rosie looked to her left and right where both Yato and Yukine sat to find a couple lumps on their heads from Hiyori's hits. Yato explained that he had a job call that led him here and since he needed the money and praise, he couldn't let any opportunity go to waste no matter where he ended up, even if it was in a girl's restroom. Rosie nodded with a sigh. "It's true, the only reason we ended up here was due to a call for a job that came from in here. I'll speak for all of us when I say that I'm sorry for intruding on your privacy like that, Hiyori-chan." The female gave a small, apologetic smile as Hiyori returned it with a reassuring beam. The schoolgirl luckily forgave them and asked about their client and where they were hiding.

Yato then stood up and kicked one of the bathroom stalls open to reveal their client, a teenage boy by the name of Manabu. The boy held tightly onto his phone as tears welled up in his eyes. "Please don't hurt me!" He begged as Hiyori grew upset once more that another male was in the bathroom designated for the opposite gender. The pink eyed girl hit him over the head too and eventually they all ended up in the same position as before, on the ground before Hiyori's feet as the teen next to them explained why he was even in the bathroom in the first place. Apparently the male had been bullied by his fellow male classmates to the point that he didn't know what else to do but hide in the stall of the girl's bathroom. He apologized as he began to cry again and Rosie put a hand onto the boy's shoulder.

"It's alright, I may not completely understand how you feel, but I know that this must be scary for you. I mean, school is meant to be know as a safe place for kids to go to learn about the world. Though sometimes school can become dangerous too and like a living hell on Earth for some. It must be tough to be forced to deal with this day in and day out..." She explained with a half-smile as the male looked at her in surprise and nodded as he wiped his tears away. The girl was so focused on the male beside her that she hardly noticed the glare that Yukine was giving them. Manabu has sat himself in between Yukine and Rosie as well as gotten more of her attention because of it, this didn't exactly make the blonde feel good. In fact, he was jealous, but he wouldn't admit to that yet. Though he wasn't just jealous of Manabu for stealing Rosie's attention, he was also jealous of the male for being alive and able to go to school, for being able to go to class and be seen, even if the boy was being bullied in his mind it was better than being dead.

Rosie felt the same in a way, deep down she was a bit jealous of him as well. He was able to live and go home to a loving family, he was able to know his own identity and remember his life in great detail, he was able to make living friends and not worry about phantoms or Noras. Manabu was able to be a true human being... Not some regalia to be used for a God's gain, not to have to worry about stinging a master, not having to question what happened before they died. None of it. She didn't want to make the boy feel worse by bringing her own problems into things, she hated the thought of making her problems into other people's problems, but Manabu truly didn't seem to realize just how lucky of a guy he was.

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