Anakin ~ Helpless

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"They're coming!"

The screams throughout my village on Tatooine were horrific. The sith were here and their nasty battle droids were sent out to our villages to beat us almost to death and then bring us to the Sith where we would then become their slaves. What else was new though, we were already slaves to smugglers and gabblers on this godforsaken planet. I was only 17 and I wasn't ready to face a Sith. I got out of my hut and ran throughout the sand as quickly as I could. There wasn't much I could do against speeders that the droids rode on. I had a small blaster with me and as I ran I grabbed it with my hand. I could see something faintly on the horizon, it appeared to be heading towards my village. I was knocked off my feet by an explosion that sent me forward about a click.

I looked up from the sand and shook my head, I was surrounded by droids and a hooded figure on a speeder bike. I drew my weapon and started firing at the battle droids, knocking a few down. The hooded figure jumped off his bike and drew his weapon. A red lightsaber. I jumped back and the figure knocked the blaster out of my hands. The figure was pointing the weapon at my chest. "Remove your hood." His voice was dark, I did as he said and removed my hood exposing my (y/h/c) hair.

The figure moved their lightsaber away and crouched down next to me. The figure removed their hood and I had never seen a Sith like him before, he was young. He set his hand on my cheek and I flinched away from him, his hair was blonde and his eyes were brown. I was confused as to what was happening. "What's a pretty girl like you doing out here?" I didn't answer, he pulled me up to my feet and lifted me off my feet. "Maybe you didn't hear me but I asked you a question." He snarled at me.

I refused to answer him, he force pushed me away from him and I quickly got up to run. The figures from the horizon were close, "I'll do it myself." I heard the Sith say. I looked behind me and he was sprinting after me. He was close, I heard his lightsaber ignite and I closed my eyes. I felt like my feet had been lifted off the ground but I was wrong, I was pushed behind a figure and I fell. I looked up at the figure who held a blue blade. He blocked the Sith's blade and they began battling. I looked around feeling unable to move. A clone trooper came running over to me. "Are you alright?" I nodded quickly and he helped me to my feet. "Can you tell me your name?"

"I'm (y/n)."

"You're safe now, (y/n). I'm Captain Rex,"

He got me on a speeder and sped away from the dueling Jedi and Sith.


I was at a Republic compound and my head was spinning. They provided me with food and water, I was eternally grateful to them. A speeder had just arrived from the harsh desert, he walked over to me. It was the Jedi that saved me, he stopped once he got close to me. He looked confused, "(y/n)? Is it really you?"

I was confused, but once I saw his eyes it all clicked. "Ani?" I stood up and he took me in his arms.

He let me go and looked down at me, "How are you alive? Watto said you were killed after one of the pod races."

I shook my head, "Watto sold me after I was almost beat to death by his colleagues. I was asleep for 3 weeks and when I came to you were gone."

He sighed, "I'm so sorry (y/n), I-I thought you were gone. You have never left my thoughts. I'm so sorry I couldn't take you with me."

I shook my head. "It's ok, you're here now. I really missed you."

"I missed you too. I'll never leave you again, I promise..."

Welcome! I saw Rise of Skywalker on December 19th and it was amazing. If you stay and read the sections for Ben be warned there will be some spoilers. THERE WILL BE MORE CHAPTERS OUT TONIGHT!!! 685 words this chapter and I hope y'all enjoy the book so far. Requests are open! If you have any ideas for the following;

Anakin Skywalker

Darth Vader

Suitless Darth Vader

Kylo Ren

Ben Solo

If you have any requests I'd be happy to write about them. Hope you have an amazing day! Love you guys!

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