Ben Solo ~ I Love You [TROS]

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Before you read! This is a spoiler for 'Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker'. If you have not seen that movie I highly recommend not reading this chapter as it WILL contain SPOILERS. This is also a conspiracy theory that I came up with along with my dad. So I thought I'd share it and see what you guys thought. So, yeah! Enjoy! (The reader is basically Rey just a heads up and I obviously can't write the beauty that is the movie so don't hate on me.)

I finally made it to Exogol. I had taken Master Luke's X-Wing and flew with the Wayfinder from Kylo Ren's now destroyed tie-fighter. I still felt bad for stabbing him but he healed.

I walked into the temple and a platform started lowering. I watched and walked cautiously ready to grab Master Luke's or Master Leia's lightsabers at any moment. "Welcome my child." The voice sent chills up my spine. "I have waited a long time for this moment."

I shook my head and saw the sith throne. My throat felt like it was closing and my chest tightened. "Get out of my head." The place looked like an arena of some sort. I looked around until I felt a very unpleasant presence.

"My grandchild, how I have waited for this." I shivered at the voice of the undead emperor.


The roof opened, "You are alone, your new family will die. If you kill me they will be safe."

"You're not alone." That voice echoed through my head and sent a wave of reassurance through me.


I looked at the emperor, "Ok."

He smiled and lowered himself to me. I drew Luke's lightsaber and ignited the blade. "Do it! Strike me down! Take the throne!"

I could see Ben clearly. He nodded slightly at me and I brought the lightsaber behind my back to wind up my swing at my grandfather. I pulled my hand up and the blade was gone. I had transferred it to Ben and I drew Leia's blade and began to battle the emperor's bodyguards while he was pulled away. The duel was painful but bearable. There was one guard left behind me and I turned to see a blue blade slice threw him. My eyes were met with the soft brown eyes of Ben Solo. We held the blades up in sync and my grandfather snarled at us and lifted us both off our feet and slammed us on the ground so we were on our knees. We both lost our lightsabers in the process. "The power of two restores the power of the one true emperor." He began to take mine and Ben's souls from our bodies. Once he got all that he needed, he dropped Ben and I. We laid unconscious on the ground but as my grandfather thought he won, Ben stood up. "After I am through with you, I will have killed the last Skywalker." He pushed Ben backward and into a pit that was flowing with lightening. I looked up at the sky, past the battle in the sky, I looked at the stars.

"Be with me... Be with me... Be with me..."

"We are with you, (y/n),"

"Bring balance to the force (y/n), as I did."

"Alone, you are not."

"Be strong, (y/n)."

"The force will be with you, always."

I was filled with power. I stood up and used the force to grab Leia's lightsaber, I ignited the blade and blocked the lightning bolts. "You can not defeat me, I am all the sith."

"And I am all the Jedi," I spoke using the force to summon Luke's lightsaber. I made an 'X' with the blades and the power contradicted the bolts. They rebounded and began to destroy the emperor. Once he disappeared, I let the lightsabers fall to my sides and my vision went black as I fell to the ground.

While I was essentially dead, Ben climbed out of the pit while the temple began to collapse. He limped over to me and was down on his hands and knees. It took all of his strength to lift me into his arms. He was so weak and drained. He hugged me tightly and let a few tears fall. He had me lay back down flat. My eyes were open and my limbs were limp. He set his hand just to the left of my right hip. He took in several deep breaths and let them out. He was attempting to heal me. I grabbed his hand carefully and blinked. I sat up and smiled. "Ben." I set my hand on his face and kissed him deeply. He kissed back and smiled at me. "I love you."

"I love you too." He whispered before his eyes shut and he fell backward. I carefully assisted him and stared at him.


He was dying. He was disappearing. I was trying to use the force to bring him back but it was too late. Ben Solo had disappeared. Tears were streaming down my face but I swiftly got up and ran for the X-wing with the lightsabers in my grasp.


When I got back to base, I was met by Finn and Poe who pulled me into a hug. We were all crying and relieved we were all safe. "How'd you make it out, (y/n)?"

"I-It was Ben, he saved my life."

"Ben? Like Kylo Ren?"

I nodded. "He turned back, and he saved me."

They both nodded and looked at each other. "Do you feel alright?"

I nodded, "Yeah, why?"

"Something seems off," Poe exclaimed.

I nodded, "Maybe go get a check-up?" Finn suggested.

I did as they wished and went to the infirmary.

After some testing, the nurse came running over to me. "Uh, (y/n)."


"D-did you know that you're pregnant?"

"I'm sorry, what? How is that possible? I've never even done anything."

"When Ben Solo transferred light energy into you to save your life, his hand was rested gently on your lower stomach, he not only transferred energy to you, but to this egg that is now growing into a child."

"Are you joking?"

"No, this is the only thing it could be, especially if you haven't done anything."

"I haven't,"

"Then this is the only thing that makes sense my dear."

I nodded and walked out of the infirmary.


A few days later, I went to the planet Tatooine. I brought Luke and Leia's lightsabers. I folded them together and buried them just outside of Luke's first house. "Who are you?"

The voice was unfamiliar and made me jump. "I'm (y/n)."

"(y/n) who?"

I looked to the side and saw the ghosts of Luke and Leia. I smiled, Leia's voice came into my head. "You are carrying my grandchild, you are one of us now."

I smiled. "(y/n) Skywalker."

I walked away and looked at the twin suns setting with BB-8. I smiled and set my hand on my tummy carefully. I jumped when a figure set there hand on top of mine. It was Ben. He was a ghost but it was still here. "I hope you didn't mind me doing that, I needed to leave something of myself behind for you."

I smiled, "Thank you, Ben." He smiled down at me and his hand was on my stomach. "Why couldn't you have stayed with me?" I asked and when I opened my eyes, he was gone and I was left with a few tears.

Nevertheless, I would care for this child and raise him or her to be just like their father. A brave, smart, cunning, kind, and caring father.

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