Anakin ~ Perfect

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It has been many moons since I had last seen him, I began to worry about his safety and if the republic knew of his whereabouts. All I could do was wait for him if I could only hear his voice or see his smile I would be put at ease. I was laying in bed after a long day of arguing with other politics. I was over it and I just needed to sleep.


I heard a soft creek in the middle of the night but it was loud enough to wake me up. I was nervous. I grabbed my blaster and got out of bed, I opened the door quietly. I peaked out and noticed no one. I noticed an open door and my heart began to race. I quickly made my way to the door and as I was about to enter a figure came out of the room and grabbed my blaster, I was disarmed in a mere moment and I lost my balance falling backward, I was about to hit my head on the marble wall but something caught me. I glanced up and was met with the same cloaked figure. I was uneasy, but something calmed me. The figure had used the force to catch me and set me back on my feet. I was nervous and backed away. "Please don't hurt him."

The figure walked towards me swiftly and I froze. The figure pulled me into a hug. "I would never hurt him."

I was instantly put at ease and melted into the touch of the cloaked figure. "Ani?"

The figure backed away and pulled their cloak off to reveal the face of the man I loved so deeply. He had tears in his eyes and I whipped them away carefully. "I've missed you, (y/n)."

"I missed you too."

It had been just over a year since I last saw him. "You look perfect." He whispered. I smiled and gently kissed him. He kissed back. "I didn't mean to frighten you, I apologize."

"It's alright, I'm so glad you're back home."

"I am too, my love."


Anakin and I fell asleep but once again, I woke up in the middle of the night and Anakin wasn't by my side. I was fearful that it was all a dream. I got up and walked into the room diagonal from mine. There Anakin stood, he was looking at the left corner of the room. The night light gave off enough light so I could see his face. He was crying, I carefully walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him. "What's wrong Ani?" He shook his head, I could tell what was bothering him and I sighed. "It's not your fault."

"It is, I wasn't here for you. I wasn't here for him."

I sighed, "You're here now. That's all that matters."

"How old is he?"

"He just turned 2 a week ago."


I nodded, "He reminds me more of you every day."

"I missed everything though, his first steps, his first words, his first everything."

I grabbed Anakin's hand as tightly as I could. "You were protecting the galaxy, protecting us."

He sighed and nodded. "Are you mad at me?"

"No, no of course not Ani."

He nodded, "I missed you and (your son's name) so much."

"We missed you too." Anakin looked back down at the small boy who's looks were identical to Anakin's except for his hair. He had my (y/h/c) hair. Anakin moved a small strand of (your son's name)'s hair out of his face. "He's force sensitive just like you."

I could see Anakin's smile. "He will make a fine Jedi."

I nodded in reply. The little boy's hand met Anakin's and I watched more tears fall from Anakin's face.

"I'm here, daddy's here." He whispered.

I smiled, the sight brought tears to my eyes as Anakin watched over our precious son. I couldn't be happier with the situation and I knew that (your son's name) was going to grow up to be exactly like his father.

658 words this chapter and I hope y'all enjoy the book so far. Requests are open! If you have any ideas for the following;

Anakin Skywalker

Darth Vader

Suitless Darth Vader

Kylo Ren

Ben Solo

If you have any requests I'd be happy to write about them. Hope you have an amazing day! Love you guys!

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