Anakin ~ Small

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I woke up at daybreak, I lept out of bed and ran for the living room to see how lovely the sunrise was today. I was sitting on the couch watching through my 12-year-old (y/e/c) eyes. I was also waiting to see if my father would return today. It has been 3 weeks and he hasn't made contact at all. It was quite terrifying but we all knew he'd come back safe. I was constantly left in charge of my two younger siblings, Luke and Leia. They were both 6-years-old and a handful. Luke and I were training to become Jedi like our father while my sister was learning about politics to follow in our mother's footsteps. Leia is force sensitive but not nearly enough to become a Jedi. My siblings were more like mother though, and I was like father. He is my best friend and my master whereas Luke's master is Uncle Obi-Wan.

I watched the pink sky light up and I walked out to the landing platform in my black shorts and a red t-shirt. I sat down and allowed my feet to dangle. I smiled at the beauty of the planet. I never imagined that one place could be so beautiful. A gust of wind caught me and made me feel uneasy. I looked up and saw a ship lowering on the platform. I watched the ship land on the lower platform. I waited and was ready to make a run for it but as the figure came up the stairs to the primary landing platform all I could do was smile. "Dad!" I yelled and ran to him. He ran towards me and lifted me off the ground.

"Oh my goodness, you've grown so much in these past few weeks."

"I missed you dad."

"I missed you too, (y/n)." He held me in his arms for a long period of time before setting me down. "Where is everyone else?"

"Still asleep,"

"I see, why are you awake so early young one?"

"I was watching the sunrise."

He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "Of course you were." He said with a slight laugh. "Shall we go wake up mommy?"

I nodded and we walked to my mom's room. I carefully opened the door. My dad whispered something to me and I nodded barely able to contain my laugh. "Mommy!" I yelled. "Mommy! Something has happened!"

She sat up quickly, all of the sleep left her system and she got up. She ran over to me and grabbed my shoulders, "What is it, baby? What's wrong?" That's when my dad lifted me into the air with the force and my mom gasped. "Who's here?!" She yelled reaching for her blaster.

I couldn't take it anymore and I started laughing. She looked at me with a puzzled expression and that's when the door opened. My dad's smile was prominent and clear. It was obvious that he was excited to see his wife. Mom dropped the blaster as dad set me down carefully. They rushed to each other and held each other tightly. I smiled at my reunited parents. I looked towards the door and saw my baby brother and sister come walking in yawning. "Daddy!" They screamed and wrapped around his legs. I laughed and my dad separated from my mom to lift my younger siblings with the force. He hugged them both carefully. My mom wrapped her arms around me and the 5 of us were pulled into one giant family hug.

My dad sighed in relief. "My family."

I smiled and enjoyed this perfect moment with my beloved family.

592 words this chapter and I hope y'all enjoy the book so far. Requests are open! If you have any ideas for the following;

Anakin Skywalker

Darth Vader

Suitless Darth Vader

Kylo Ren

Ben Solo

If you have any requests I'd be happy to write about them. Hope you have an amazing day! Love you guys!

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