Kylo Ren ~ Secret

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"Stay out of my way."

I nodded and watched as the man in all black walked away from me. His mask cloaked his voice and I looked down. I walked back to my station and began to chart the planets we have corrupted. I charted our next destination, my specialty was planets and star systems. I knew where each and every system was located throughout the entire galaxy, it was very helpful for the first order. I was currently locating where the resistance base was, it was difficult but not impossible.


2 hours passed and I hadn't gotten any closer to where I was when I began. I took a deep breath and walked to my room. I opened the door and sat on the bed in the corner of the room. I set my head in my hands and listened as the door opened and closed again. I looked up and was met with a dark mask. Kylo Ren was staring at me menacingly. I looked away and stayed silent. "What is it?"

"I have made zero progress," I replied. I stood up and went to walk past him to leave my room and get some food before the cafeteria closed.

He grabbed my arm and I stopped in my tracks. "Where do you think you're going?"

"To get something to eat."

"No, stay here."

I looked up at the masked figure and pulled my arm out of his grasp. "I hate this," I mumbled.

"What was that?"

I rolled my eyes. "I said, 'I hate this' and guess what, I do! We have to act like we hate each other like we don't know anything about each other and guess what, I'm sick and tired of it!"

Kylo Ren stared at me through his mask. He carefully took it off and his eyes pierced into me. "(Y/N), you know it's not my choice-"

"Clearly it is supreme leader if you are truly that powerful, why don't you just change the rules?!"

Kylo walked over to me and grabbed my hand. I flinched as I thought he was about to have a temper tantrum. But he didn't, he pulled me into a secure hug. "I know, I'm sorry my love. Everything will work out the way it's supposed to. I promise. I didn't give you that ring for nothing."

I sighed and looked at the silver band with a red stone that laid on my ring finger. "You need to change the rules soon."

"I will try, I'm sorry that I have seemed rude my dear. You know how much I love you. I will do everything I can to please you, my wife."

"Then change the damn rules Kylo," I answered.

He released me from the hug and looked at me carefully. "Why is this now so important to you? We have been married for a year and it never seemed to bother you until now."

"Maybe if you actually paid attention to me you would see it!"

He didn't answer. His eyes narrowed and he looked at me carefully. He then shut his eyes, he grabbed my hand and I could feel the force energy flowing through my veins. His eyes shot open. He shook his head and a small smile jumped to his face. "(Y/N), are you-"

I nodded, his eyes lit up and his smile grew bigger. He picked me up in his arms and spun me around carefully. He set a kiss on my lips and held me to him tighter. "What are we going to do?"

"Don't worry about it right now babe, this is a truly special moment. One of the best in my life."

I smiled and hugged him tightly. Our baby was going to be incredibly lucky to have Kylo as his or her father...

637 words this chapter and I hope y'all enjoy the book so far. Requests are open! If you have any ideas for the following;

Anakin Skywalker

Darth Vader

Suitless Darth Vader

Kylo Ren

Ben Solo

If you have any requests I'd be happy to write about them. Hope you have an amazing day! Love you guys!

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