Ben Solo ~ Weakness

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Faster. Faster!

As I ran threw the woods those were the only words in my head. The training was difficult but it was worth it if I was to be like my father and mother. I ran a few more feet and heard a familiar buzzing. I started shaking but I never stopped running. I pushed myself harder but was pushed to the left and into a tree by the force. I was close-lined by a branch and fell on my back getting the wind knocked out of me. I stood and reached for my blade. I ignited my green blade and looked around me. I was completely surrounded. The figures came out of the woods and I didn't back down as the mixture of blue, green, and one light yellow blade that was almost white. They came at me one by one and I was prepared for battle. I was stronger than them but they were far more experienced. I was trained in a rare form of Jedi arts. The 7th method (like Darth Maul) and I used it well. I was trained to fight using acrobatics and agility. I was much faster than my attackers but they held more strategy.

I battled the 4 Jedi and had gotten one down of the 4. When I did that the other 3 were angered and came at me at once. I was overwhelmed and screamed. I let my lightsaber fall as I shrunk to the ground. The attackers pulled their blades back. They laughed and helped me up.

"Not bad for your first time (y/n)." My second oldest brother, Han spoke.

"You're sloppy, you need to control your fear. It was visible from a mile away. It made you easier to track." My third oldest brother, Luke spoke.

I flinched away from him. He was never kind to me.

"Lay off Luke, not like you were any better your first time. You also had only two of us running after you." My oldest brother, Anakin defended me. He pulled me into his side and smiled down at me. He was very protective of me as was my fourth oldest brother Kylo who was currently holding his head against the tree I knocked him against.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Anakin is the oldest at 20, Han is the second oldest at 18, Luke is the third oldest at 16, and Kylo is the fourth oldest at 14, and then there's me at 10. I'm the only daughter my parents had. Anakin's name is obviously from my great grandfather, my father always idealized him. Han is obviously my grandfather's name. My father still feels horrible about what he did to grandpa and my mom misses him very much. Luke is obviously for my great uncle which my father feels as if he failed him. Then there's Kylo, my mom's idea. To prove that light can come out of any darkness. My name was also the name of my mother's best friend as a child. My brothers and I meant a lot to my parents, we were their pride and joy but as for my father, I was his little girl.

We ran over to Kylo and helped him to his feet and I smiled at him. "You've gotten stronger."

"Thanks, Kylo."

My brother's and I walked through the woods back towards our home, our village. I was talking to Kylo when Anakin and Han both froze. "What is it?" Kylo whispered.

"Run, run! Now!" Anakin yelled.

I didn't ask questions. I knew he was serious, the 5 of us took off running as fast as we could. "What's happening Anakin?" Luke asked.

"Someone's here, someone that is not our friend."

I kept up with my brother's quite well but we were still about 5 miles from our home. I felt a ship land and it knocked me and each of my brothers off their feet. "Who is that?" I asked with fear starting to fill my system.

"It's the third order," Han spoke.

"Third?" Kylo asked.

"Yes, after mother turned father back to the light, the first order fell. They tried to recover with the second-order but it crashed and burned. Now they have the third order. They have found more Sith and have trained them into violent warriors." Anakin spoke helping me to my feet. I closed my eyes and used the force to listen.

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