Saved These Words

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Tommy had Amelié go find Ada while he met with Mr. Solomons. She was worried about his ability to get there on his own but he insisted that she do this for him. He gave her the address of Ada's home and she was on her way. "stay low, Sabini's men are everywhere and you could be recognized as one of us," Tommy wants her before she leaves.

She enjoyed the idea of being known as a Peaky Blinder.

When she got there she tried the door and no one came, so she decided on waiting around outside for Ada to arrive. Soon, she sees her walking with her chin up like the confident woman she was. "Ada!" Amelié calls out, running to her.

"Amelié? Nice to see you again," she says, not sounding like she was in a bad mood yet.

She must've thought Amelié hadn't been here on business since they see each other often around the city. "You're eye Ada," Amelié says with a frown, reaching for her swollen, bruised cheek.

"I just... fell," she lies.

"Ada... I've come here because of Tommy," Amelié starts.

She scoffs, beginning to walk away, "tell them that I just want all of them out of my life."

Amelié stops her, "Ada you think you're safe here, but you're not. I mean, what would've happened if the Peaky Blinders didn't help you that night?"

"Next time I'll be ready. In fact, I want them to try again! I'll shoot their balls off," Ada says, pulling out a gun from her purse.

Amelié tries to force the gun back in Ada's bag, looking around, making sure no one sees, "alright, alright. Just listen to me. Tommy has business with Sabini and you're right in his territory. He bought a place and put it under your name. He wants you to have it Ada. A place of your own where it's safe."

She pulls out house keys and hands them to Ada. "A whole house?" Ada asks, almost laughing.

"It's quite large, four stories I believe. Just have a look," Amelié says, folding Ada's fingers over the keys.

Ada nods and walks off quickly. Amelié sighs and walks back to the boat to wait for Tommy.


The boat ride back was fairly quick, Tommy was feeling much better now and they had talked a lot. She still hasn't spoken of the Campbell business because she didn't want to ruin the lighthearted conversations yet.

When they got back, Tommy told Amelié that he had family business that needed tending to, so she had a day to herself. She wasn't exactly sure what to do, since she lived in London now and was no longer a book keeper in Birmingham. But then she remembered Betty. She never even said goodbye to Betty.

She walked towards the canal and noticed the place was still there. Happy now, she walks inside. But Betty was nowhere to be seen. She rings the bell to catch her attention as if she was a customer, but no one comes.

She decides to look around, and heads for her office in the back. It was exactly how she left it. She felt sad, things had changed so much in a mere six months. She missed Betty's back handed remarks. She missed Matthew and his jokes towards his daughter. Where could Betty be? She suddenly hears a bang from the room next to hers. It came from Betty's office. Amelié sneaks over towards her room and puts her ear against the door.

Moaning. Banging. It didn't take long for Amelié to figure out what was going on in there. She decided to wait until she was finished, so she goes to the back of the shop and makes a pot of tea. Similar to the night where Thomas had brutally murdered someone, she set up two chairs and had glasses waiting on the table. Amelié didn't think this occasion would end up the same as the night at the Garrison, though.

She thought about the Garrison and it's now many pieces on the ground. She thought about how they were rebuilding it and what it would look like now that the Shelby's have more money. "Perhaps a marble top and crystal glasses," she thought out loud.

Soon footsteps come from the upstairs and she sees Betty and Arthur walk her way. "Amelié! Nice to see ya!" Arthur shouted, arms in the air.

"Amelié!" Betty shouted, running towards her and hugging her only in a silk night gown.

"I figured you'd be so angry with me," Amelié says, hugging back with a smile, feeling awkward.

"It's alright, Arthur told me everything!" she says, hugging tighter.

Amelié shoots a dirty look Arthur's way and mouths, "are you fucking crazy?"

Arthur only shrugs and Betty finally lets go. "I made tea, have a seat. Arthur, go home. I'm sure your brother would like to see you," Amelié demands.

Arthur walks out confidently without another word while Betty pours herself a glass. "You know, six months ago I would've killed you for getting in bed with Thomas Shelby, but I'm a changed woman!" Betty says with a giggle.

"How long have you been seeing Arthur?" Amelié asks without a laugh, sipping on her tea.

"Not long, he pays me. Everybody pays me now! It's quite fantastic," she says.

"You're a whore?" Amelié asks, almost choking on her tea.

"Amelié don't be ridiculous! They just give me money because I ask. Well... I don't ask anymore. But I can buy nice clothes and go to nice pubs because of it now!"

"Betty you're a bloody whore!" Amelié says, throwing down her glass, "my God, no wonder this place has gone to shit!"

"Maybe... you... could fix it!" Betty says, hopeful.

"Is that the only reason you want me here?" Amelié asks.

"Well... no. But it would be nice to have the shop up and running again. You know I was never good at all of that stuff. But Arthur told me you'd be coming back to town so I thought... why not? You know?"

Amelié scoffs and gets up, "Goodbye Betty."

Betty sets her tea down and runs after her, "Amelié I'm glad to see you... I really am!"

Amelié turns to her and stares blankly, "you've always used me Betty, and you want to use me again. The only thing that's changed about you is that you get paid for fucking men."

She walks out without another word. She couldn't stand the way things have changed around here. She only wanted Tommy, but even Tommy seemed different. How could a small town change so much is so little time? She was sick of it. She was sick of being used and tired of everybody in England. She missed her friends and her family in France. She missed being oblivious to the dirty world she lived in.

She walks to the stables where Curly stays and sits on an apple box. She thinks about her big house in France and her fathers beautiful piano. She lived like a princess. She sang and danced with her family. She was adored in France, but only used in England.

Curly soon interrupts her thoughts, "hello miss! Are you lookin' for Thomas?"

"No Curly... I just want to be alone right now," she answers with her head down.

Curly sits next to her on the Apple box, "you know, Polly is a real good person to talk to when you're feeling down."

She looks up at him and he has a big smile on his face. What a simple man. "Thank you Curly," she says, getting up.

She does not go to Polly, she figured that was the last person she would see. So, Amelié decides to head back to her old home and stay there until she is needed. And that is exactly what she did.


Hello and merry Christmas! I'm sorry for the boring chapter, but Christmas has kept me very busy! I hope you all had a wonderful day and I'm hoping you don't hate me for this boring chapter haha :)

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