1|Downtown to Midtown

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Jack Avery was a kid given nothing.

He grew to be a guy with 89 dollars to his name. That would get you nothing in a big town like New York. Then he couldn't go home because his mom and dad, disowned him for coming out.

His mother didn't have enough money to send him to college anyway, so he stayed in the same state with a dead-end job. He didn't see a bright future.

He worked 6 days out of the week, from, 6:00 am to 9:00 pm.

beep. beep. beep. beep. beep-

"Fuck," He muttered sitting up early at 5:30 am. He shut the alarm on his phone off, and walked to his closet.

He grabbed a pair of black jeans, a yarn black sweater, and grey socks. He set them out on the counter in his bathroom. He packed his backpack with his phone charger, an energy bar, and his wallet, along with his book for his break.

He took a quick shower then let his wet curls quickly air dry. He got dressed, then ran to his kitchen.

He had 10 minutes left so he had to hurry or he would miss the bus. He couldn't miss the damn bus again.

He looked through his fridge. He sighed slightly. Nothing much.

Barley any milk, 2 eggs, a yogurt cup, and lettuce. Damn.

He decided he would just skip breakfast today.

He slipped on his black boots, and worn out brown sweater. After getting fully dressed he checked the clock.

5 minutes left.

Oh shit..

He ran out the door, and locked it on his way out. He rushed down the flight of stairs almost bumping into a few neighbors in the process.

"Sorry Mrs. Meyers! Sorry Kyla! Oops, my bad, Austin!" He shouted as he kept going.

He sprinted outside and ran to the corner where the bus usually was posted in the morning. He smiled happily as he noticed the bus come pulling up to him.

He stood on it and handed the driver 3 bucks. Crusted single bills.

He noticed not many people on the bus so he didn't have to sit crammed next to others. Jack was relieved as he slipped in his earbuds, as the bus rode silently.

30 minutes went by on the bus as he listened to his music, and read his book- quite contently I might add.

He finally made it to work. A small diner; Ronnie's Fast Eatery. Everyone just called it Ronnie's. It had a beautiful 90's aesthetic, that everyone adored. Jack loved the job but he wish he could say the same about the pay.

However, it was the only place who would give an, unexpired 22 year old a job in, New York.

He walked up and noticed some people inside already served and some co-workers running around.

"J! Get in the back and grab 2 iced coffees, toss em' to table 4 please, babes!" Zach groaned as he ran by with plates as they steamed.

"Got it, Z!" Jack nodded as he ran to the back room, tossed his things down next to Zach's. He went to the actual kitchen and poured 2 coffees, sweetened them, and put ice in them.

He ran to table 4, and handed them their drinks. 2 adults- 2 females. One brunette, one red head. He made a mental note of that. He was very particular with people.

"Alright guys, if you need anything else, call me over; My name is Jack. Enjoy, your food will be out shortly." He smiled, reading off a script in his head. They thanked him kindly and passively, as they continued a conversation.

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