7|Zach the Bold

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"You're dating him, aren't you?"

Jack coughed out his coffee. Zach had seemed mad about the whole, 'Jonah' thing.

The were in the back room, tying their aprons that were around their waist, but down to their knees.  They'd been silent until Zach's boldness got the best of him..

"I'm not dating anyone, Zach. I'd tell you if I had a boyfriend," Jack raised an eyebrow "Pinky promise then, bitch." Zach smirked sticking out his tiny pinky.

Jack rolled his eyes, linking their small pinkies.

"Your such a damn brat." Jack scoffed. tossing Zach's hand back at him.

"Tell me about it," Zach giggled walking away with his notepad and took more orders.

Jack laughed lightly shaking his head as he tossed out the finished coffee, and followed Zach.

He took some orders, brought out some foods, brought some drinks, the usual.

He was currently cleaning up a table, then he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Hey, um Jack?"

He turned around and saw a platinum blonde, and a brunette.

Corbyn and Christina.

"Oh hi guys, can I help you with anything?" He asked politely.

"I know this is awkward and sudden but, we were just wondering if you were dating, Jonah?" Christina asked softly.

"N-no. But he asked me out- if he wins his case." Jack smiled weakly.

"Oh, it's just because he hasn't shut up about you. It's Jack this and that, ya know? It's only been 2 days but wow, he seems obsessed." Corbyn chuckled. Jack blushed so damn hard.

"O-oh wow, haha. That's f-flattering," Jack giggled nervously.

"Honey, if you do end up with, Jonah, let me know. There's some things I should give you a heads up about." Christina smiled with a sigh.

"I could tell him those things, maybe," Corbyn raised an eyebrow "No, baby. There's some things the husbands of the mafia don't need to know about. It's what keeps us ahead." Christina scoffed with a smirk.

she said husbands..

"Al-alright. I will, thanks." He agreed with a blush covering his cheeks.

"Have a good one, bud." Corbyn nodded with a grin, as they walked out the door.

Jack was honestly baffled. The same question, two times. Of course, Jack had a puppy-love crush on the man, but didn't expect to be his boyfriend in the week.

It made him kind of excited.

He just met Jonah. He didn't want to be stupid and rush it, but damn, this was all so nice.

He wanted to take this slow before they did something dumb, and ruin it.

"What are you doing with Jonah's henchmen, Jack?" Zach sighed walking over.

"Don't be mean, Z. Their really nice, maybe one day you can meet them or get to know them." Jack smiled weakly.

"Oh yeah, when and where? Your wedding ceremony?" Zach raised an eyebrow. He really gave zero fucks, but Jack respected that in him because, he was the complete opposite.

"Zach, c'mon. You don't have to be so mean about them all the time." Jack pouted.

"Mean? Jack, sweetheart- Mean is me turning Jonah into the feds and getting Daniel's money that he earned. Jonah Marais, and Corbyn Besson ran my boyfriend outta town. Now their back, and I have to see them all the time. Trust me. I'm being fuckin' nice." Zach snarled angrily.

Jack couldn't have been more confused.

Daniel told him, he ran away on his own for fucking up a few imported cars. Daniel said he respected Jonah and Corbyn but he did it for himself.

Guess he lied to someone.

"Oh, I had no idea." Jack lied through his teeth.

"Yeah, it happened." Zach rolled his eyes as he began taking off his apron.

"Yeah, I'm taking off early today. I have a doctor's appointment." Zach shrugged.

"Is everything okay? Why are you going to the doctor?" Jack asked worriedly.

"Oh yeah, dummy- I'm fine. It's my yearly check-up." Zach chuckled shaking his head.

Jack had forgotten people got yearly examinations to make sure they seemed healthy. His insurance didn't cover checkups. He hadn't had one in about 3 years.

"Oh, sorry. I hope all goes well." Jack smiled with a faint blush.

"Yeah, thanks babes. I'll see you tomorrow," Zach smiled hugging the boy then he was out the door.

Jack sighed as he went back to work, and took care of a few more customers. Now that Zach left, he was the only one on the floor running around.

He'd spent 5 hours running around like a maniac, then luckily everything began to die down, as the restaurant began to close with time.

"Hey, Jack. I'll be headed home now. My wife should be wondering about me." Mike smiled walking out of the kitchen.

"Hehe, alright Mike. I'll see you tomorrow. Say hi, to your wife for me!" Jack giggled as the tall man walked out the door. The manager's beloved wife often brought, Jack and Zach sweets from her little bakery. He felt debted to the couple.

Jack was the last there at 8:30pm. He was wiping down tables and gathering left plates and cups.

He was gathering the utensils from the long tables, as he heard a voice pipe up, ruining the perfect silence.

"Hey, pretty boy."

He gasped as he flipped his body around. It was a smiling Jonah smiling behind him.

"J-Jonah. Oh God, you scared me!" Jack laughed lightly putting a hand on his chest.

"Oh sorry. I just twisted the lock, and got in. But hey, I'm out aren't I? I brought you something too." Jonah chuckled coming closer.

"Yeah, you are back. I'm glad, and what is it? Everything was dropped against you right?" Jack asked curiously. Jonah smiled walking closer.

"Nothing can really point me to the crime- I scared a witness into silence. I'm staying on the streets a long time, doll. And I brought you some gummy bears." Jonah nodded his head. He came closer.

He was almost chest to chest with Jack.

He handed Jack the bag, and smiled happily. Jack giggled as he teared open the bag and popped a green one in his mouth.

"Oh, I'm glad your okay. I-is the witness okay?" Jack questioned nervously chewing on the candy.

"Sweetheart I'm a business man, not a tyrant. She's fine: she's just scared. I had Corbyn follow her all day yesterday then finally tell her not to testify against me. She didn't show up to court." Jonah sighed.

"O-oh okay. Just don't hurt her, please." Jack smiled weakly.

"I don't hurt women, or small children. I hurt men. You have nothing to fear." Jonah nodded.

Jack stayed quiet, as he stared up at Jonah. He forgot he was chewing a gummy bear, and just looked at the man.

Did he kill men?

"Ready to go, get dinner?" Jonah asked breaking his train of thought.

He promised Jonah a date.

A/N: Hi babiess! Howve yall been? Happy? Hydrated? Did yall see my babes, Jack and Lav at the beach!?Like awe okay, we see u Daddy Avery.

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