4|The Blood King

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Jonah could only smile.

Jack could only stare.

He forgot how to talk, leaving his mouth shut. He forgot how to breathe, leaving him silent. He forgot how to blink, leaving his eyes wide open.

He was scared. Would Jonah have it in him, to hurt Jack? He wasn't scared of Jonah per say, but he was scared of the line of work.

The Mafia? Jonah ran a fucking empire.

The tattoo. The family tattoo.

"Is that what your tattoo is?" Jack mumbled.

"Yeah, my dad gave it to me when I officially joined. Anyone who's in our mafia or gets married to someone in it gets the tattoo. It has the same amount of respect though," Jonah explained "It is apart of initiation. To be apart of the Blood King family."

"Oh. You're serious," Jack said tying the bandages. He hoped it was a joke, but Jack knew it wasn't. Jonah then asked the question that left the world still.

"Are you scared of me now?"

Jonah asked a good question, a question no one could honestly answer. Jack was scared.

"No. Not of you atleast." Jack replied. But he lied.

"Then what?" Jonah urged "Of your work. Mafia is a dangerous profession. Do you know the damn yearly statistics of people who die in gun, alcohol, and drug violence and trade? To many to count." Jack responded never looking up.

"You just sounded like a book. But I could see your concern." Jonah smirked with a meek nod.

"Is that why everyone got quiet when you walked in, earlier?" Jack asked, Jonah simply smiled at the boy.

"Of course, doll. They weren't just enjoying their food. Everyone knows me. They know what I am, what I've done, and what I'm capable of." Jonah chuckled as he put his bandaged hand on the table.

"Are they scared of you?" Jack whispered.

"Doll, everyone knows my name. Their either terrified of me or they look up to me. Nothing between." Jonah explain quickly.

But he was wrong.

Jack was the forbidden between.

He was scared, and in awe of this man. Jonah could of killed then man today, if he really wanted to, he didn't. But he did it because he was protecting Jack. Jonah was a interesting individual, is all Jack Avery could say.

"I didn't know who you were, until right now," Jack added "I know. And I liked that. You talked to me, because you didn't know me. You walked over there, took my order like I was an actual person, doll. You weren't scared, and I love it." Jonah smiled sadistically. Jack blushed madly.

"I think I didn't know because I'm numb to the outside world. I didn't know the Mafia was still a thing. Sure, there's gangs and stuff, but fucking empires?" Jack cocked a brow.

"Baby, who do you think starts the gangs? The Mafia never went away, we just got better at being sneaky. I run so many gangs, I loose track. Sure their's leaders to gangs, but who's their boss? Me; I'm everyone's boss." Jonah boasted.

"Were you given your position?" Jack asked "No. But my father recruited me at 16. I started in the gutter and I worked my way up to the top. He made me a member, but I made myself king. I took his position 2 years ago." Jonah smiled at the memory.

"That must of been hard." Jack nodded shyly.

"Extremely. I did the dirty work only because I was the youngest member. Everyone said I was dumb, because I didn't want to inherit the job. My mother told me he'd help make a man out of me, but only I could do that. I did it though, and I'm content in my line of work." Jonah sighed, and Jack could only listen.

He didn't know what to ask.

He couldn't ask anymore questions, that was to invasive. He didn't want to know something he didn't have to.

But this sweet, seductive man- Jonah. He's in the mafia; he runs the fucking biggest mafia in the world.

Jack couldn't ask anything more.

"Hey um. It's getting late. We should get going." Jack piped up slinging his backpack over his covered shoulder.

"It's barley 8," Jonah chuckled "But alright, Jack."

He must think Jack got scared and is trying to blow him off.

"I have to work early. Bright an' early at 6 pm." Jack shrugged with a sigh.

"Yeah, you need the beauty sleep. Then I should get you home. If that's okay?" Jonah raised a brow. Jack instantly got embarrased.

Only Zach and Daniel knew about his small apartment because of the terrible area, conditions, and it wasn't a pretty sight.

He didn't invite people over because he was embarrased of people to see his apartment.

He is definitely going to think Jack is trying to blow him off.

"Hey, it's okay. I take the bus- I don't think it's your style. But you could always stop by tomorrow.." Jack smiled.

"Okay, I could do that." Jonah nodded.

"I-I mean on-only i-if you want!" Jack flustered himself.

"Yeah, of course.. I'd like that." Jonah chuckled with a grin.

Jack and him both walked outside and were about to part ways.

"Goodbye, Jack. I'll see you tomorrow, doll." Jonah smiled "Goodbye, Jonah." Jack blushed as they walked away.

It was bittersweet.

Jack walked 3 minutes to the bus stop and waited patiently. It pulled up and Jack handed the driver a few singles.

He sat down on the ghost town of a bus.

They drove and pulled to a stoplight. Jack leaned against the window with a pale hand on his cheek.

He looked over and saw a midnight black sports car pull next to them.


He looked over cutely and smiled at Jack. He waved softly.

Jack mouthed hi, as he waved with a cute pink blush covering his cheeks.

Then the bus drove left. Jonah drove right.

That was the end of him for the night. And Jack could only count down the minutes until 6am tomorrow. He didn't want to see him go.

Jack could only listen to cute romance songs as they drove him to the bad part of town.

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