Stephen :)

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You finally finished your homework after about fifteen minutes, but it felt like hours. You wondered what Stephen was doing at this time. This new feeling you've developed over the short period of time was starting to take over, and you found yourself wanting to hang out. Thank god I got his number. I wonder if he's busy this weekend..
You opened your phone to a message from "Stephen :)".
Why is that so cute?
Stephen :): Hey
Y/User: Hey!!
Stephen :): You're excited to text me.
Y/User: Guess so.
Stephen :): Finish your homework?
Y/User: Ya
Y/User: You?
Stephen :): Course I did, I gotta get good grades to compete with everyone with
Y/User: Why am I not surprised?
Stephen :): Lolol
Stephen :): Wanna call? I'm boooored
You freeze.
Y/User: Sure.
You start freaking out. If you had known you were going to video call you would have gotten yourself fixed up.
You took the hairbrush by you and started rapidly brushing your hair, wiping off the crumbs from the chips you ate earlier from your hoodie and setting the camera up in a room with good lighting. You jumped when it started ringing and your picture appeared on the screen.
Stephen :) would like FaceTime...
You accept.
"Ah, look who it is! The nerd!" He laughs. He didn't even try fixing himself up. Maybe because he's comfortable around you. Oh, you overdid it!
Stephen pauses. "You look nice. Heading anywhere?" He questioned. You watched his golden gaze look at you up and down on the screen.
"No, unless you wanna come with." You joked. Stephen took it in a literal sense, his big goofy grin returning.
"It's still raining but we can go get coffee. Wear something warm and bring an umbrella!" He planned. You smiled sweetly, but inside you were freaking out. "Meet me at the nice looking café by the school in an hour. We can call later tonight!"
"Okay! Sounds good. See you then!" You laughed before hanging up. You then dug your face into a pillow. What an unexpected twist!

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