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A few hours ago, you'd approached Stephen's house, saying your goodbyes and watching him enter his house. You were now laying in your bed, staring at your phone. You wondered if you should ask Stephen where you were going. As if on cue, you get a notification from him.

Stephen <3: Wear something nice.

What? You told him not to go somewhere fancy! Though, it would be nice...

You: I said nowhere nice!

It didn't take long for him to reply at all.

Stephen <3: Did I make a typo? Wear something nice.

So stuck up!

You: Fine, you win. How nice are we talking?

Stephen <3: Dress like you're going to prom.

Did you just see that correctly? How nice is this place? You sigh and turn to your closet, realizing you have nothing really good enough. There was still enough time to go out, so you sucked it up and got ready.

You entered a small clothing shop, looking for something decent to wear to dinner. You almost immediately spotted a familiar grey head of hair neatly bound by a hair tie. His hair was easy to recognize seeing as no one else's is quite like it. You trotted over to the boy, who was looking at a pastel sweater. Typical of the kind soul to be looking at that kind of stuff.
"Hosuh! Didn't expect to see you here." You beamed. He jumped at the sound of his name, but smiled sweetly after turning around and seeing you.
"Ah, same here. What are you here for?" He asked, trying his best to start up conversation. You blushed slightly at the question. What were you gonna say? Dinner with Stephen is gonna sound like a date, but you didn't want to lie to the boy. You couldn't lie to the boy, you wouldn't let yourself.
"Well, I'm going to dinner with Stephen, but it's not like a date or anything!" You add the last part quickly. Hosuh laughs in his usual partially nervous tone.
"I get it. I could help pick out an outfit, I have nothing better to do." Hosuh offered. You panicked on the inside.
"Well, he told me to wear something nice, as if I'm going to prom.." Your voice trailed off.
"Sounds fancy." He cooed. You smile at him, nodding.
"Okay, let's look at dresses." You giggle.
The two of you head over to where the dresses were, picking one up every now and then. You spent a good twenty minutes just having fun with the innocent boy.
Finally, your eyes catch a beautiful dress, though it's not too fancy. It's just enough. It was a light yellow, with flowers laced into it and a silky satin inside under all of the main fabric. It was perfect. You turn to Hosuh, who was distracted by a different dress with shiny gems plastered onto it. You tap him on the shoulder and his head snaps up, turning towards you. He smiles as his gaze follows your finger and to the dress. His eyes widen slightly and his lips part in a smile, even bigger than the previous one.
"It's so pretty!" He gasped. You nod in agreement. "It's perfect." Hosuh adds.
"Yeah, I think this is good. I suppose I'll see you soon?" You raised the pitch in your voice at the end, making it more of a question. Hosuh copies your eager nod.
"Yeah, I gotta get a new sweater because my old one ripped." He giggled, almost embarrassed. You wave him goodbye and check out, exiting the shop. It really was a fun time with Hosuh.

You make it home at last. The walk seemed like forever, probably due to the chilly breeze. Your legs, arms, and face were frozen. Maybe you should have gotten something warmer. No, you can just wear a jacket. It might actually look cute. You slip off your shoes at the front and turn to the stairs, not hesitating to run up. You got to your room where your phone was blowing up with notifications. You glance at it questioningly and hang the dress up, turning towards it and picking it up.

26 new messages from Stephen <3.

Typical Stephen. You skim through them all, most of them just being your name over and over. Though your eye catches a message that makes your cheeks flush.

Stephen <3: come back I love youuu

You knew he meant that as a joke, but you couldn't help but feel your heart skip a beat. You shake it off, not wanting to think of why you got so flustered. It was only I love you, everyone says that to their friends. You decide to reply.

You: I was shopping for a dress since I have none.

Stephen <3: A dress! So you do admit you like my idea!

You: I never said that

Stephen <3: You like it enough to buy a brand new dress

You hated him. You hated him because he was right.

You: Whatever

You: When are we supposed to be there?

Stephen <3: Let's make it 7

You: Why so late?

Stephen <3: I don't need to explain anything

Stephen <3: See you then

See you then.

Sweet Dreams || Stephen x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now