To my dearest friend

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I want to talk to you my dearest friend
About times that I usually try to forget
When the rainy days melted me to become such a fool
Who holds her tears back to keep the rules
Turn back to keep their heads up
Fell down so they can make it to the top
Who cries deep inside showing fake smiles
To fix her brightest image
Used to escape when it's time to face
Pushing things to clear her mind
But holds her feelings to fill her heart
Never fails to impress herself by putting things easly in the act

Are  you listening my dearest friend ?
I hope that you are
Because I still want to tell you about times that I can never forget
When the sun shined again
Making me remember that there's still days left to live
But I didn't mind it and return back to sleep
To live the sweet lies and leave  my sour life in the edge
Trying to think about the good old times
When nothing ruined my empty brain

I see that you're leaving me too soon my old friend ?
Is it because I'm such a bad story teller ?
Or my story is too bad to be told ?
Maybe it's due to my bad personality
Maybe I suck more than the others
Still I wanted to tell you
About my happiest times
When I just counted stars
And thought to myself
How beautiful I'll be tomorrow
When I'll glow with them

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