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wow, im suprise i made it this far? lol


You sit on her bed as your mind drifted off to various fantasies in your own universe in mind. You couldn't wait the day she'll be yours, though you didn't have the guts to ask her out. Not yet.

"What're you thinking about?"

She questioned as she settled down in her huge bean bag, eating her chips. The crumbs fell from her luscious lips as she chew. Normally you'd find that gross but for some odd reason you liked it when she did it.


You bluntly said. You were never one to hold back an opinion or thought, though sometimes you do when it isn't appropriate in the moment.


She questioned, scrunching up her cute nose with all those freckles on the bridge of her nose that spread on both of her cheeks. She took her hand and shoved it in her chips and got a hand full. She put her chips to her mouth, all of it.

"Can I be honest?"

You questioned and she eagerly nodded, swallowing her chewed up chips that was in her mouth, she opened her mouth to say something.

"Of course."

She said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. You know what's obvious though? My fucking feelings for this woman in front of me.

"Because no one else was worth thinking about when I met you."

You said and she suddenly stops chewing and you let out a sigh and melted on her bed. You looked down, not really ready to see her reaction.

After a thick awkward of silence, she slowly broke it when she started to chew again. Her crunchy chips were the only thing making noise in the room along with her fan. You looked up at her to find her staring at you. Her face was a bright shade of red as she kept chewing her chips.

You both made eye contact for what felt like hours. Your eyes and expressions of your bodies said it all. We liked each other.


You started, gaining more ego as you see her melting in your gaze. She was a bright shade of red, she trembled at your gaze and your eyes said what you both needed to know.

"Wanna go on a date with me?"

You suddenly ask, smiling at her as she kept eating her God damn chips. She fought to hold back her smile but failed tremendously at the end.


She dragged out her word as you both silently sit there with her eating her chips. You both soaked up what had happened in the silence and then you slowly got up after a while.

"I'll pick you up on 5:30 then?"

You ask as you gathered yourself so she could get ready for this damn date. You knew what she liked. She wanted a date at a concert or the movies. And you were picking the movies because last minute tickets were too big of a risk for this time.

"I'll walk you out."

She said when she got the message that you were about to leave. You'll be missing her for the 3 hours you guys will be apart. You already were obsessed. Well, since the beginning when you guys met so you weren't surprised, really.

You both went downstairs and you opened her door once you got everything you owned and need.


You remind once again when you were about to walk out. She smiled at you as she lent on the door frame, nodding at you.

"I'll see you then."

You both said your 'goodbye's and you got in your dark blue car. You waved at her as you backed up. Once on the street, you take one last look at her and you both smiled at each other. Her smile made your knees week.

Finally, you waved at her and she waved back. And with a sigh, you went speeding off the street to go to your house.

You had a date to plan.


comment what yall think and maybe vote while youre up to it lmao

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