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was requested 😁


You were scared as you walk down the hallway corridors of the school.

You were on your way to the restroom but you were vigilant of the fact that your bully might be here with her evil, yet beautiful minions.

You were a nerd.

A straight A+ student to be exact.

You had your braces and glasses, you were shy as fuck and teachers loved you because of your grades.

You weren't attractive at all. At least it's not what the mirror tells you.

You had no friends in this campus whatsoever. You had one but she moved to the next town you were in so you were left alone in that school with all those nasty people that seems to not like you, at all.

You walk in the girls restroom, your movement in a fast pace as if it was a race. But before you could get into a cubicle you were stopped.

"Well well well."

You froze as the familiar voice rang through your ear and her hand clapping ringing through the girls restroom.

"If it isn't Miss nerdy lesbian."

She said and you stiffly turn and faced the three girls, your head bowed down, looking at the tiled floor.

It was; Sirah, the beautiful slim thick girl, as everyone describes her,

Chloe, the cool type of nerdy with green hair and black roots,

And finally, Demi.

The leader of what the school calls 'The She Wolf Pack'.

She had beautiful long dark hair, freckles painted on the bridge of her nose and she had amazing and mesmerizing chocolate eyes.

You took a deep breath as you look at her. Her viscous and mischievous smirk made you wanna puke all the contents of your own body.

"Hi, slut."

She slowly walked over with a pout. Her heeled shoes clicking to the floor making you shudder in utter disgust.

"I've missed you, a lot."

She sarcastically said and pouted at your face as she pushed hair behind your ear. You felt yourself blush, feeling embarrassed that you felt the same way. Though she was sarcastic about it.

The both of you were inseparable in kindergarten, then elementary came around and she started hanging out with the popular circle of friends in school. Summer before highschool she ghosted your ass after coming out to you.

"You blushing, huh?"

She chuckled at your face and her minions did the same. She looked to the side and slapped her hand across your face unexpectedly.

She looked at you intensely. Her eyes were wide, her nose flaring and her mouth was a straight line.

Your mouth fell agape and your hand instantly went to your cheek you were sure that was swollen. You felt your lip sting telling you her ring busted it.

You never knew why but at the start of highschool she changed.

She wasn't that Demi you used to laugh with at lunch anymore.

She changed.

And since then, she started bullying the crap out of you because you were gay.

You were always open about it and people didn't really care. Well, until Demi here decided it would be fun if she started rumors after rumors.

She said that you wrote stories about every girl in your class and fantasy about them.
She told football players that you fucked their girl because you thought you were a gangster lesbian.
She sent fake nudes to everyone and now would constantly bully and call you names, even to the point that she'd hit you.

"I don't wanna see your ugly face anymore you lesbian whore."

She sternly said through gritted teeth and you were glad they had left. Their heels clicked to the floor and tears sprung to your eyes and fell down your red cheeks. Especially the swollen one.


You cursed as the bell rung and you hid yourself in a cubicle. Closing the toilet, you pressed your but on it and curled up into a ball.

You silently cried and cried for hours on end.

You were sick and tired of this lifestyle.

Constantly achieving great academic successes for more bullying and hurting.

You wanted to run away but you were a scared.

You just wished for there to be a change.

For her to change.


okay, there's a part 2 of this crappy thing! i just had to end it! 😅

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