One - Mahiru & Kuro

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Mahiru Shirota, a normal 15 year old boy with light brown hair and brown eyes. A first year high school student who likes simple things and dislikes complicated things. Open-minded and independent.

He's not afraid to show what he's truly feeling or thinking, so he can be critical of other people. He depends on himself instead of turning to someone else for help, most likely because he never felt the need to rely on others before.

His mother died at a young age and he never mentioned much about his father, mainly because he wasn't apart of his life. His uncle was the one who took him in, but he practically grew up alone, taking care of himself, since his uncle was away for days at a time.

He was my best friend, the guy I grew up beside, never being separated since I lived in the apartment right beside his.

And I was a Servamp. A servant Vampire. In sunlight I would transform into a pink bunny rabbit, but if I was only in a bit of sunlight I would transform partly, meaning only my ears would appear but I'd still be human.

It was a weird adaptation I had gotten throughout my years living with the humans. I had more of a tolerance to sunlight, but not enough to keep me from turning completely.

I pulled my hood over my head, making sure it was completely covering my head, as well as making sure none of my body was reachable by the sun, then I headed off.

I saw the group of four boys walking down the street, all laughing and joking with each other. I hurried over to them when they stopped, about to split up.

"Mahi~" I sung, running up to him and jumping on his back. He nearly fell forward but kept his balance.

"That makes me sound like a little kid," Mahiru grumbled.

"Aren't you supposed to be working on something for the festival?" The shortest of the group, Ryusei, asked me.

I looked down at him. "I can make decorations at my home. And you can't say much, you avoided every possible task, you made Mahiru take them all!" I exclaimed, hugging Mahiru's neck tightly.

"He wanted to," Ryusei said with a shrug.

"Because no one else wanted to. So it's your faults!" I state, jokingly sticking my tongue out at him.

I jumped off of Mahiru's back and started walking backwards away from them. I waved, seeing them whisper to each other as they watched me walk away. I caught a glimpse of Mahiru blushing before I turned and hurried back home.

Later that day, when the sun had gone down and I was safe from turning into my animal form, I was out shopping. As I left the clothing store, a couple bags in hand, I saw everyone rushing away.

"All of the above! Die, idiot! I'll kill you if you ignore me!" I heard someone shouting amongst the terrified screams of spectators.

Everyone ran past me but I ran towards the commotion, watching a man with pink hair in a white suit hang upside down from a light post. On the ground was one of Mahiru's friends, Mahiru and his brown haired friend both kneeling beside the bleeding boy.

"Now, then, some applause! Come on out, Sleepy Ash!"

"Mahiru!" I shouted worriedly.

He looked back at me, where I stood in front of the crowd that formed at the end of the street, all taking pictures and videos, or calling 911.

"Usagi, run!" He screamed.

As the man continued his rant he was stopped short when another vampire kicked him in the cheek, sending him through the window of a nearby business.

"Kuro, what do we do?" Mahiro asked the vampire that appeared out of nowhere.

"For now, let's run," the vampire responded.

Mahiru chased the vampire, after it turned into a cat, down an alley. While they were gone I ran over to the two still in the middle of the road. Ryusei, the short blond with an attitude, was knocked out, but he was still alive. Koyuki, the tall brown haired boy, was still trying to wake him up.

"Oh, is that thing still alive?" The pink haired vampire asked, stumbling out of the building and walking back over to us. "That's what he gets for ignoring me!"

I jumped in front of the two of them before the man could get any closer to the terrified Koyuki. He pulled out a sword from his hat, about to attack me as he laughed sinisterly.

But Mahiru appeared again and jumped on the man, keeping a tight hold on his head to keep him from attacking.

"Mahiru!" Koyuki shouted.

"Take Ryusei and run!" Mahiro shouted back.

"If you try to show off too much... I'll kill you!" The man said.

Mahiru was about to be impaled but Kuro, the vampire cat, jumped in the way instead. When I knew Mahiru was safe I took the chance to run. I pulled Koyuki up then lifted Ryusei off the ground, blood still dripping from his neck as we ran away from the ongoing battle.

In front of the crowd I gave Ryusei to Koyuki, telling him to get him somewhere safe. Then I ran back over to Mahiru. They had defeated the pink haired vampire and it had turned into a small stuffed version of itself,

"W-w-what happened?" I stuttered.

Kuro fell to the ground, looking completely worn out. Mahiru didn't look too good either. His eyes rolled back into his head and he fell. I ran over and caught him before he crashed to the ground, lowering him gently.

"Why did you have to go find Sloth?" I mumble, brushing his bangs out of his eyes as I heard the police sirens get closer.

Before the police were here Kuro stood up, grabbing Mahiru's arm to drag him towards an alleyway. I followed him, us stopping when we were far enough away from the scene.

"Who are you? What are you hiding?" Kuro asked me, sitting down on the ground.

I chuckled sheepishly as Kuro stepped closer to me threateningly. "I'm his best friend, there's no secret to be hidden," I said quickly.

He eyed me a little longer then looked away and sighed. "You're going to be such a pain"

"Me? You're the one making everything change!"

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