Seven - Licht

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I went with Mahiru, Misono, Tetsu and their Servamps to Tetsu's family's hot springs. A spot to get a break from all the fighting that's been going on. At least I was treating it as a vacation, I think the other Servamps were too. But Mahiru was pretty serious about us doing some thinking about how to stop Tsubaki.

I relaxed in the girl's hot springs alone while I heard Mahiru running through the hotel looking for Kuro. From the other side of the wall I was facing, that led to the boy's hot spring, I could hear Kuro mutter something.

After a couple more minutes of sitting in the hot water I stepped out and went into the change room, drying myself off. I finished, keeping on the towel I had wrapped around me.

"Usagi?" Mahiru asked from the other side of the door leading into the empty changing room.

"Come in"

"Are you sure that's okay?"

"I'm the only one here. And I don't think anyone else will show up since the hotel is empty"

He walked in and found where I was sitting, but he blushed when he saw I was sitting there in a towel, brushing out my hair.

"Come sit"

He sat beside me, his eyes avoiding me. "The one who kidnapped me, he told me about Tsubaki"

"He knows about Tsubaki?"

"He also told me about you"

My breath caught in my throat and I stared at the ground. "Syuhei Tsuyuki"

His head snapped to the side so he was looking at me. "How do you know him? He told me he didn't know you or Tsubaki personally"

"Because he doesn't. But I've paid some visits to C3, secretly of course, and I found him doing some research on us. I also briefly spoke with him, he thought I was human. So, what did he tell you?"

"You and Tsubaki belonged to them. But then you escaped. He became something bad, but you kept yourself hidden. I guess that's when you found my mom"

"That's right. I ran and she found me, helping me get used to the world outside those walls. I was scared when I saw those three, I knew they were either going to kill me or drag me back there"

"What did they do to you? You know, before you escaped?"

"Nothing I can tell you"

Later that night I went with Mahiru and Kuro as we went searching for someone one of the others' subclasses had run into. We found the boy they had described and Mahiru ran after him, turning the corner. Kuro peeked around, looking tired. I walked around and stopped beside the startled Mahiru.

"Who are you? An angel or a demon?"

"Crap! He noticed us!" Mahiru shouted.

"Well, of course he would, with you shouting like that," I mutter, then I looked at the boy. "Are all Eve's this good looking? How's that possible?"

Mahiru looked at me. "What?"

"I'm talking about you too, Mahiru," I said, poking his cheek, making him blush heavily.

The boy made a piano appear in front of him and then he started playing a beautiful melody. Kuro dropped to his knees, probably because the music had some sort of magical effect.

"My body feels heavy," Kuro mumbled.

"So, you're the demon," the boy said, kicking Kuro back into the building across from the alley we were in.

The boy kept kicking him up the building. Mahiru chased after him on his broom and I was left in the alley. I grumbled, finding a way inside the building. I hurried up the stairs and when I made it I saw the boy throw the porcupine out of its cage.

"What fools man most of all?" the porcupine said after turning human, pacing back and forth. He stopped and looked at me as I appeared. "A devil in the shape of an angel"

"Wow, I'm flattered, you think I look like an angel?" I ask.

"I'm the fifth Servamp, Lawless of Greed. And this Angel with a destructive sense of taste is my Eve!" Lawless said excitedly. "Licht Jekylland Todoroki, 18 years old!"

"Don't call me by my name so easily!" Licht ordered.

"Aw, come on, Angel. Since you're so shy, I did the introductions for you"

Licht kicked him away, sending him flying off the building. "I hate that guy," he grumbled.

"You hate your partner? Why?" Mahiru asks.

"That's because... I am an angel"

"Right! You're the best! Out of this world angel! So cool!" Lawless said, appearing again. "He is the last angel that has travelled down to this earth"

"Shut up. Die. Die until you die!" Licht said, kicking him around again.

"But thank goodness! We've gained more allies!" Mahiru said, taking a step over to them.

"Mahiru, don't get ahead of yourself," I whisper.

"And what do you need allies for?" Lawless asks. "I mean, as long as he makes the decision, our Big Brother can finish everything in an instant! Wether we kill Tsubaki or leave him alone. Let's have a majority vote! Just like last time, right? You really haven't changed, Big Brother Sloth. I mean that in a bad way," Lawless' voice started getting more sinister as he spoke.

"Will you join us in taking down Tsubaki?" Mahiru asked.

"There's no way we'd be able to work together!" Lawless said, cheery again. "I'm sure our opinions will clash and it'll just be a pain. Right, Brother? Right now, you have Pride and Lust on your side, and, I guess, Envy is here, too. Gluttony and Wrath aren't very smart, but I'm sure they haven't forgotten either?"

Lawless stopped in front of Kuro, the both of them having a staring contest, glaring at the other. It was clear they weren't on good terms.

"I wish I had been caught up with all the family drama. But nooooo, I had to be used as a test subject," I grumble.

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Mahiru asked, pushing Kuro away from Lawless. "I am Kuro's Eve, Mahiru. Lawless is your nickname, right? What's your current name?"

"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?" Lawless said dramatically.

"I think Greed may be a little crazy," I mutter.

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. No need to remember my name. It'll change again, anyway"

"Change?" Mahiru repeats.

"But I would like to know yours," Lawless said to me.

"Usagi. Or, Joy of Cheer"

"You're a Servamp?"

"Another unknown, like Tsubaki. We had both been in the same place, kept away from our siblings"

We went back to the hot springs, leaving Licht and Lawless. All the boys stuck together in the living room and I went to the kitchen. Before heading back to my room I passed by where they were, hearing them talking.

"The boy won't live much longer. Lawless kills his Eve once he grows bored of him. He is the only one among the Servamps who does such a thing. He is already broken. It is better not to get involved with him," Hugh warned them.

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