Two - Tsubaki

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"Ryusei!" Mahiru yelled as he threw open the classroom door.

"Oh, I thought you weren't coming," Sakuya said.

I was sitting across from him at the desk as we were making decorations. Sakuya was the green haired and red eyed member of their group. He had been too busy the day the rest of them were attacked, explaining why he wasn't with them.

"Ryusei? Where's Ryusei!?"

"Y-yeah..." Sakuya drifted off, looking away solemnly.

"Sakuya!" Someone said, throwing a roll of tape at his forehead. "This vinyl tape will work right?"

"Ryusei!" Mahiru said happily when it was revealed Ryusei had thrown the tape, Koyuki standing beside him.

"Oh, Mahiru! You came, after all?" Koyuki asks.

Mahiru wrestled Sakuya to the ground, keeping him in a leg lock. "What was the look earlier for?"

"Ow, ow, ow, sorry, sorry!" Sakuya said in pain.

"Ryusei, is your neck all right?"

"Yeah, it's fine, it's fine. They called it a car accident, but it barely nicked me," Ryusei said, subconsciously putting a hand on his bandaged neck.

"Car accident?" Mahiru asked.

"Accidents are still pretty scary," Koyuki said.

"What are you talking about!? Yesterday..." he continued to explain what had really happened, but the others were oblivious to it as if it didn't happen.

"Huh? A vampire magician? Goodness, you're starting to talk like Sakuya," he waved a dismissive hand.

"Also, you weren't with us yesterday," Ryusei added. "Stop saying weird things. Come on, we have to prepare for the school festival"

My eyebrows scrunched together as I stopped cutting the sheet of paper I was working with. Someone had gotten to them, changing their memories. But it couldn't have been the pink haired vampire, could it?

After school Mahiru left in a hurry. I hurried after him, losing him for a bit until I found him walking with a stuffed doll that looked like the pink haired vampire in his hand.

"Mahiru, why are you talking to a stuffed doll?" I asked, running up beside him.

I held my umbrella over me, casting just enough of a shadow over my body so I didn't transform. That was the last thing I wanted to do, especially since he had just learned of the existence of Servamps.

He quickly stuffed it back in his bag. "No, just talking to my cat"

"Aww, he's so cute. Where'd you find him? What'd you name him?" I ask, even though I already knew the answers. But to keep my secret I needed to act like I wasn't there the other day.

"His name's Kuro, I found him on the street"

"You're such a nice person," I tell him, wrapping my arm around his. "Come on, let's head back"

We started walking again, me almost dragging him, but then it started to rain. "Huh? A sunny shower?" Mahiru asked.

Then we were surrounded by something, brought into some sort of red space. The rain turned red as well, it looked like blood.

"Hey, you. Tell me an interesting story," a man in a yukata and wooden sandals said, a tapping sound echoing as he stepped closer. "I want to hear the most recent and interesting story you know"

Mahiru kept an arm in front of me, keeping me behind him protectively.

"The kitty he picked up was a vampire! And the boy used the vampire to murder a magician that pissed him off!" The doll said from Mahiru's bag.

"I have a feeling this is going to be a pain," Kuro sighed.

The man started laughing like crazy, until he suddenly stopped. "Not interesting at all"

"Isn't he someone you know?" Mahiru asks Kuro.

"Don't know him. He has a crazy look in his eyes"

"Hey, I was looking for this. Thanks for picking it up," the guy said, Mahiru's backpack suddenly in his hand, pulling out the doll.

"You're late, Tsubakyun!" The doll said. "My shoulders got all stiff"

"Tsubakyun?" Mahiru asks.

"But you saved me! Thanks, Tsubakyun"

"Tsubakyun. Wait, it can't be. No way, so soon?"

"So soon?" I repeat.

"Hey, quit it. Don't think too deeply," Kuro warned him. "We have to hurry and-"

He stopped when Tsubakyun was right in our faces, more specifically right in Mahiru's face. Mahiru stepped back a little, moving closer into me.

"Right, I'm Tsubaki. So what?" The man asked quietly. "I'm the one who picked a fight with you. So what? I'm the one who wants to kill lots of vampires and humans. So what?" He grabbed Kuro and threw him to the side, making him turn human. "I'm very melancholy. Hey, Sleepy Ash of Sloth. Tell me an interesting story. If you don't have one, let's have a war"

"Huh?! What are you saying?!"

"Come on, Big Brother"

"Big Brother? Kuro's little brother?"

"No. No. He must be mistaken. I don't know this guy," Kuro says, sitting up.

Tsubaki started laughing again. "Terrible! So terrible! So you don't know me either? In the end, all of my Servamp siblings didn't know who I was! Hey, do you know how many Servamps there are?"

"There are seven"

"Right. Seven vampires. Sleepy Ash of Sloth. Old Child of Pride. Doubt Doubt of Envy. The Mother of Wrath. Lawless of Greed. World End of Gluttony. And then, All of Love of Lust. The ones called true vampires are siblings of seven. But there is actually one more. I'm the 8th true vampire, the Servamp of Melancholy. My nickname is 'Who is Coming'. I'm the youngest sibling, brother"

"Kuro has so many siblings..." Mahiru said. "Because he's a cat?"

"Wrong. And I'm the only cat in the group," Kuro told him, back in his cat form perched on Mahiru's shoulder.

Then Tsubaki transformed into a two tailed fox and landed on Mahiru's arm. "See, I can transform into this"

After Tsubaki chased Kuro around Mahiru's shoulders, Tsubaki jumped off and transformed back. "A dog?" Mahiru asked.

"So mean. I'm a fox. Calling me a dog. Not interesting at all"

"Tsubakyun, I wasn't able to murder like you ordered because of them!" The doll said.

Mahiru's hand tightened in a fist. "Tsubaki, are you killing people?"

"So what if I am?" Tsubaki responds with a smile. "I don't like humans. Didn't you take down Belkia, this vampire, because you didn't like it? Isn't it fair? Hey, do you know how many people died in this town yesterday? You don't know, right? Then, it shouldn't matter to you how many of those were murdered by us"

"What are you trying to do?!" Mahiru screamed, making me wince and step back. "Don't involve people who have nothing to do with this!"

"Have nothing to do with this? Like her?"He repeated, his eyes shifting to where I stood.

Mahiru looked back at me, eyes wide when he saw me standing a couple steps away from him now, scared.

"It's not interesting that some think they have nothing to do with this. Especially-" he paused as he kicked Kuro off Mahiru's shoulder, stepping on his chest. "You, Sleepy Ash," he made a weapon appear in his hand. "Well, Brother. Let's play!"

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