Three - Misono & Lilly

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"You all have forgotten. No, you want to forget. I want to have a great parade! Call all seven siblings her for me. Teacher will be happier with more attendees. And all I want is for this world to regret it all!"

Tsubaki tried attacking Mahiru but Kuro blocked the attack.

"Kuro, drink my blood!" Mahiru said.

"Don't want to. I'm really sore today"

"That's the reason?!"

Kuro was pinned once again under Tsubaki's foot. Mahiru tried rushing forward but was met with the blade of Tsubaki's katana in his face, close to cutting him.

"I don't get it. A war? Why?!"

Tsubaki kicked Kuro away and picked Mahiru up by his neck. "Because it's interesting. It doesn't matter who dies. Nothing matters as long as it's interesting to me. You don't understand how I feel. Nobody knows who I am anyways. No one in this world can understand me anyways"

Mahiru seemed to space out, thinking about something. While she was off in his own world I dropped my umbrella and ran forward, tackling Tsubaki. He dropped Mahiru and we both went flying.

"Now, you are interesting," Tsubaki said, looking over at me as he stood back up.

"I understand you," I whispered in a crouch.

"Is that so?"

When Mahiru snapped out of it he started talking, drawing Tsubaki's attention away from me. "Nothing is interesting to you because you aren't facing your feelings. You feel no one understands you because you don't want to face others"

"Maybe so. That's why I'm saying we should have a war! It's a method of communication! A positive way of thinking!"

"You're wrong! If you want to start a war, I'll stop you! I have a way to face you, too! If I name a Servamp and give them my blood, they'll listen a little, right? I'm telling you to face me head on! I'll give you a name!"

"I see. But you'll die before then?"

In an instant the three of us were no longer standing with Tsubaki, we were sitting on the ground in an alleyway.

"What? What happened?" Mahiru asked.

"Ah, we were saved. Probably by another Servamp," Kuro said.

"Another Servamp? Who?"

"Ah, probably-"

"Shirota Mahiru," two distorted child voices said. "Come with us. All of Love is calling for you"

We all looked down the alley and saw two kids with red eyes and pink hair, twins, holding hands. They spoke in unison, like they were one person.


"That's right"

"What a pain, I can't face this," Kuro said, landing on Mahiru's head as the cat.

"Troublesome or not," a new voice said. "I'll have you come with me," It was some boy sitting in a chair with purple hair. He looked angry. "I won't accept any other answer than yes"

We went with him, me following along even though I knew I wasn't wanted. I wasn't going to leave Mahiru alone in this mess. Mahiru and I were pressed together in the back, the boy on the other side of him, the twins on the other side of me.

"Are you All of Love?" Mahiru asks.

"No, I am Arisuin Misono. I'm the Eve of the seventh Servamp, All of Love"


"That is what a master contracted with a Servamp is called"

We got out of the car at a mansion. That's when a pink butterfly landed on Misono's head, until he angrily swatted it away.

"Butterfly?" Mahiru asks.

"Nice to meet you. If you'd like, I'll go all out for you," All of Love said as he transformed from the butterfly to his human body.

He had blond hair and red eyes, and his clothes were hanging off his body, not done up properly. We all stared with wide eyes, surprised for the sudden appearance.

"Don't strip, pervert!" Misono said, throwing a book at All of Love's head.

"I was thinking first impressions are important," All of Love responded, clothed once again.

"This stripper here is the Servamp of Lust, All of Love"

"My name is currently Snow Lilly. Please feel free to call me Lilly," he said as he started removing his shirt again.

"Don't strip!" Misono said, shoving Lilly.

"You haven't changed at all," Kuro said.

They all headed inside but I remained on the spot. Mahiru stopped, looking back at me when he saw I wasn't following.

"Are you coming?" He asked.

I shook my head, my hair flying in my face. "I'm going to wait right here until this is straightened away"

"Are you sure?" I nodded. "Are you going to be okay by yourself?"

"I've managed this long with all this craziness going on. I'll be fine"

He continued inside and I sat on the edge of the fountain in front of the mansion. I wasn't liking how easily this all seemed to be going. Kuro was with Mahiru, so I took a little break. Until some time had passed and I was getting bored.

"They've been in there a while. I'm going in," I mumbled to myself.

I went towards the door and burst in. I ran around the giant building, trying to find them. I finally did find them out in the garden that was in the empty lot in the middle of the building.

"Usagi?" Mahiru asked, seeing me run out of the building towards them.

"I was getting worried. Is everything alright?"

He nodded. "We made a deal. We're going to work together to stop Tsubaki"

"Why are you still here?" I heard a voice whisper in my ear. "What are you? You must not be human if you're this invested in all of this"

I shrieked and jumped away, seeing Lilly standing there. He had a smile on his face, his eyes closed. But even with his eyes closed he looked suspicious of me.

"What do you mean?" Mahiru asked for me.

"There's only eight Servamps. Or maybe there isn't. What do you think?"

I opened my mouth to speak but couldn't say anything. I hadn't run into so many other Servamp's before, and I didn't know how to react. But now they were on to me.

"It was too tiring for me to bug her about it," Kuro muttered.

"You're not one of our siblings. Unless you're another unknown. Who are you?"

"Usagi?" Mahiru asked, stepping closer to me.

"Stop cornering me! There's nothing I'm hiding, I'm a normal human girl who hasn't even heard of Servamp's until you found Kuro," I say mainly to Mahiru and he blushed when I continued. "And I'm here because I need to make sure Mahiru is safe, he's my friend and he's important to me!"

As I was talking a bit of sunlight creeped through the clouds, shining only on me. My two bunny ears popped up on my head.

"Great timing," I grumbled sarcastically.

"You're a Servamp!?" Mahiru exclaims.

"I'm not a Servamp!" I shouted angrily, stomping my foot. "I'm more of a vampire..."

"We should leave before this gets anymore troublesome," Kuro said, turning into a cat, walking towards the entrance.

"Come back tonight, after you've settled this dispute," Misono told us.

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