Six - C3

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Summer break was finally here and I still hadn't managed to properly fix things with Mahiru. But with the summer festival coming up I new I'd have a shot.

"I'm ready for the fireworks!" I announced, walking up to the others in the classroom with my umbrella covering my head.

"That's not until tonight," Ryusei said blankly. "School just finished"

"And I'm ready," I said saucily.

"You're looking forward to the fireworks, aren't you, Usagi?" Koyuki asked.

"I am," I said with a smile.

I wandered home and caught a glimpse of part of the festival, some of the booths set up. I made a detour and stopped by there instead, seeing if there was anyone I knew while I window shopped at the stands.

I saw Mahiru walking around with a tall blond haired guy carrying a coffin on one of his shoulders. I went to approach them but an explosion went off behind me. I went flying, crashing into one of the stands.

The owner of the stand helped me up and I apologized before hurrying off, not bothering to stay back and answer questions about wether I was okay or not. I needed to find Mahiru and make sure he was safe.

After texting him, him telling me where he had gone, I found him on a rooftop, eating with three others. There was Kuro, the blond with the coffin, and a small man with a top hat and monocle.

"Ma-hi-ru!" I said, walking out into the roof where four of them were.

"What happened to you!?" He exclaimed, seeing all the cuts and dirt I was covered in.

"The explosion, I'm sure you saw it. Who's this nice looking man?"

"Tetsu. And he's 14," he told me.

"14? Not surprising. I don't even know how old I am but I look like a 15 year old," I say with a shrug. "So, were we talking about Tsubaki?"

"Tsubaki is not the only one we have to watch out for," Old Child - Hugh - Tetsu's Servamp, said.

We left them, going back to our building. Mahiru was thinking about all the new people he had met, how many allies he made.

"That's Misono, Tetsu, and that antique dealer. That's four people. I hope the other Eves and Servamps are willing to work with us," Mahiru said to himself.

"If we find them. Some don't wish to be found," I tell him.

The elevator opened and someone grabbed Mahiru by the tie, pulling him in, making him drop his backpack with Kuro in it. I banged on the elevator door while Kuro sat on the ground in human form, scratching his head.

When the doors opened there were two men standing there, each in lab coats. I froze when I saw the gun pointed at me. Another guy jumped in, landing on Kuro's shoulders.

"Should I rake in the cash today, too?" The guy that landed on Kuro asks.

I recognized the two standing in front of me, and I knew the other guy was apart of it as well. They were here to kill us, or hunt us, all while they planned on doing something with Mahiru. Why else would they have kidnapped him?

"The mad dogs of C3," I whispered, taking a nervous step back.

What was C3? They call themselves a neutral organization that upholds the coexistence between humans and vampires. But if you asked us vampires, it was more like an anti-vampire organization.

And the mad dogs were their hunters.

Vampire hunters.

I took off running, Kuro following after me after getting the third mad dog off his shoulders. They threw everything they had at us, trying to stop us. I got shot once in the leg by a bullet and almost ran into a pole that planted itself in the ground in front of me.

Kuro and I ran as long as we could. We ended up sliding down a hill, having to run along a river, but that's when they caught us. The man with the poles made a lot land around us, creating a prison we couldn't get out of.

"I can't face this," Kuro said tiredly.

Mahiru grabbed each of us and we flew away on his broom. I sat sideways on the broom, my arms wrapped around his waist. Kuro sat behind me with his legs crossed, his arms leaning on my head. It was a tight fit but we all managed to get away on the broom.

"I want to know Tsubaki's reason," Mahiru said after a while of us all flying in silence. But then we went straight down. "It's no use at all!"

"Don't act cool when you can't even control your broom!" Kuro shouted.

I giggled, cheering as Mahiru regained control of his broom just before we crashed into the busy street. We did end up crash landing afterwards, when we were in a small empty park.

I ended up landing on top of Mahiru and Kuro had transformed back to a cat as he crashed into a tree. I laughed, pushing myself off of Mahiru. Before I moved though I stared into his eyes for a moment.

I tried not to fall in love with him. I really did. But I couldn't help letting my emotions getting in the way. Growing up with him, always being there, I grew to love him.

I didn't see the truth until now, when he hated me. At least that's what I thought.

"Why did you save me? You could've just grabbed Kuro and left me"

"Why wouldn't I save you?" He asked in return.

"Don't you hate me?"

"Not enough to leave you in the hands of them," he said jokingly with a smile.

That night I went over to his apartment, dragging him up to the roof after we sat and had dinner like we normally did. I pulled out some small, legal fireworks in a bag, smiling widely as I showed them to him.

"We missed the fireworks, so I thought I'd get us our own"

He smiled as well. "Good idea"

I was about to light the first one when it started to rain. I dropped my arms, staring out at the city as I felt tears well up in my eyes. Finally I started to cry.

"Usagi?" Mahiru asked.

"Ever since you learned the truth, everything between us just seems to be going wrong," I said through sobs.

He moved in front of me. "I'm still not giving up on Sakuya. I'm definitely not giving up on you"

"What about trust? Do you still not trust me? Even after all we've been through?" I asked, tears streaming down my face, but it wasn't noticeable because of the rain.

We stood maybe 2 feet apart. My hair slowly flattened, getting plastered to the sides of my face, my forehead, and my back. We both stared, his lips were slightly parted and mine were pressed firmly shut. And, when I thought he was going to kiss me, he laid his forehead down on my shoulder.

"I may not trust you in the way I used to, but I do trust you"

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