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Once the two landed on the planet, Anni immediately noticed how quiet it was. How there was mostly nothing but rubble. She saw an open area that the force was just pulling her to go through. She checked her belt for her lightsaber and watched as Ryder felt his belt for his blaster. The two of them exchanged a look before opening the door and stepping outside. The first thing they noticed was there was another ship there that wasn't destroyed as well as an old TIE fighter. Anni sighed and turned before starting to walk towards the building like place.

The place was in pieces. There was not much left of what was once there. Anni walked inside and made sure Ryder would be kept watching her back. She let the force lead her to the spot. She walked into a large room with a throne, and there were a pile of clothes on the ground. She looked around the basically destroyed room. The ruins showing a disaster must have happened here. After looking around she turned around only to see Kai standing there. He had a cloak on and his outfit was dark. It was too dark in the room itself to make out any details.

"I'm surprised she came." A voice came out from somewhere behind Kai. "But she came with a friend?"

"He's neutral." Anni lied, keeping her eyes on Kai. "I needed a pilot."

"Fair enough." Kai answered and stepped forwards a little bit. "You have the necklace?" He asked.

Anni felt it on her chest and gently pulled it over her head. She held it in her hands. "Do you know what to do? How to bring him back?" She asked.

Kai shook his head. "The force will guide us. Though, I must remind you. This ritual is of the sith."

Anni nodded. "I know." She looked down at the floor. She felt a pull towards a spot to the side. The exact spot their father died. The two felt it and both moved at the same time towards the spot. Anni gently sat down the necklace on the ground, pushing away the pile of clothes.

She watched as Kai sat in front of her. There was energy in this spot. Energy the two had never felt before.

They reached over and grabbed each others hands. Both of them were cold.

The force started binding once they touched. It was so desperate for them to keep the balance.

Anni could already feel the pull to the dark, even before the ritual began.

There they sat, Ben Solo and Rey Palpatine's own flesh and blood. Doing what nobody would have ever expected.

"Be with me." The two said perfectly together. The force being the same within them for just that moment. Their eyes closed and Anni could feel a cold wind blowing through the wreckage.

"Yes." Kai's unknown master muttered. "You can't turn back now, children."

Anni and Kai's breathing hitched as the two began to float up in the air. The necklace following them. The cold wind began to pick up, becoming stronger as their life force was starting to rip from the two of them.

The life force flowed around them and started to connect within the pendant. They both opened their eyes for a moment, ignoring the pains going through their bodies. The necklace shook before falling to the ground. Everything stopped for just a moment before there was a strike. Lightning, or light. Neither of them knew. The two just fell to the ground a bit away from the scene. The whole planet was shaking and Ryder was no where to be seen. Kai's master standing far back by the throne.

A man laid on the ground in the spot the twins just were. He was dressed in the battered clothes that were once laying on the floor. His head leaning down as he sat there on all fours.

Anni sat up and exchanged a look with Kai, both unsure of what was happening next. The only thing they both knew was that they were both very weak.

The Balance and The Force {Star Wars Ep. X}Where stories live. Discover now