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That morning Anni sat in Ryder's room. She had finished her training early before anyone else was awake. Ryder was sitting on the bed and Anni was sitting across from him.

Ryder gently unwrapped a little chocolate. Anni watched in anticipation.

"You've never had one?" Ryder asked her. He watched Anni shake her head.

"I would fix droids, so trader's would give us food or clothes. We only really had what was given to us. I guess these must be a luxury." Anni said softly and watched as Ryder moved the chocolate up. He gently placed the small candy in her mouth.

She bit down and the whole thing melted. She put a hand over her mouth as she felt the sweetness on her tongue.

She closed her eyes for a second before swallowing all of it. "Where are these from?" She asked, still covering her mouth.

"My home planet. It has perfect climate for growing cocoa. It's wonderful there." He smiled before setting the small bag to the side. He gently moved closer to Anni. "You know, this past week... I've been really enjoying our time together."

Anni smiled down at him. Knowing her parents were probably going to be mad when they found out she snuck off to his room. Especially without permission. Especially since it could be 'dangerous'.

They didn't trust him, even though Poe did. Though, Poe also didn't trust her father.

"I have too. I've never had a friend before." Anni said honestly. "Besides my brother." She shrugged and placed her hand down on her knee. She watched as Ryder gently grabbed it. He was such a flirt.

He lifted up his hand to plant a kiss on Anni's hand. She started to blush. "You're too sweet." Anni told him.

"How could I help it, when I'm staring at an angel?" He asked. He leaned forwards a bit before gently pushing their lips together.

Their romance had been blooming fast. It could have been a bond, or maybe it was because the both of them haven't ever loved before.

Suddenly, the moment was ruined by an alarm going off. The two of them could hear blaster shots off in the distance. The two quickly got up and Ryder grabbed his blaster.

"Anni... You need to stay in here. There's no windows, if you hide then you can stay safe." Ryder told her, he was more concerned with keeping her alive.

Anni shook her head. "I can fight. I can hold myself, Ryder. Trust me. I'll stay here and try to contact my parents for now."

Ryder nodded before planting a kiss on her forehead. He then ran out to join the fight outside.

"May the force be with you." Anni whispered just as he ran through the door. She pulled out her lightsaber and kept it in her grip. She turned and went to use the electronic communicator in the room. She pressed the button for her parents room. "Mom?" She called out.

No answer.

"Dad?" She asked again, still silence. She turned and sighed. She turned on the lightsaber and gently walked out the door. She held it up in attack mode. There was no one in the hallways.

She gently and quietly walked through the halls. She felt a presence, as if someone was there. She turned down one hallway and breathed out shakily.

There was silence in the building, besides the muffles yells and blaster shots ringing through the walls. They were all outside, and she was deep inside the base. She gave up walking quietly and started to run towards the hallway her room was in. She needed to find her parents.

She knew she wasn't actually safe on her own.

That's when Anni ran into her room. She stopped herself when she saw a dark figure standing over her bed. The crackling from the red lightsaber filling her with fear.

The Balance and The Force {Star Wars Ep. X}Where stories live. Discover now