Wok Star

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Tori's POV

"Trina hurry up!" I had been waiting for Trina to finish getting ready for ages now. Trina always took way too long to get ready every morning because of her so called 'beauty routine' which usually consisted of putting lots of weird stuff on her face and then washing it off and applying pounds of makeup.

"You can't rush perfection little sis," Trina responded now coming down the stairs, car keys in hand.

"Finally," I groaned. I swear one of these days I needed to get a drivers license because I was absolutely sick of Trina. I mean I love her, but sometimes she can be a real handful.


I was in the middle of trying to ask Andre and Cat if they wanted to head over to this Chinese restaurant by the school when Beck came in looking around like he was trying to find something.

"Hey stranger I was just asking Andre and Cat if they wanted to try out that Chinese place across the street and -"

"Sorry I can't talk right now, Jade's play got cancelled for being too disturbing or something like that, and I know she was really looking forward to it, I gotta go find her," beck interrupted before I could finish, giving apologetic eyes. I nodded in understanding and watched him go off with Robbie to continue the search.

I turned to Andre and Cat to tell them I was gonna go look for Jade too, but they seemed to be having a heated conversation over whether the sweet and sour sauce Cat had was sweet and sour sauce or not so I just left instead.

Even though jade and I don't really get along, unlike her I had nothing against her. I mean if she was gonna be gank to me I'd be a gank back, but when she's not being especially ganky, I don't mind trying to be nice.

There was one place I wanted to check, I'm sure the guys would scour the rest of the school, but one of the few things I did know about Jade was that that the janitors closet was her go to place for anything.

Surely enough, after opening the door, I found Jade sitting on the ground cutting up some large plastic pieces with some scissors.

"Uhhh Jadeeee, what are you doing?" I asked cautiously.


All I could do was blink trying to process everything that was just angrily shouted at me. Jade cut away at the once Trashcan now turned to plastic pieces even more angrily.

I cautiously took a step into the closet and closed the door behind me, slowly lowering my body to the floor to sit next to the very angry, very scary, very violent goth.

"Uhhh Jade, I'm pretty sure that poor Trashcan is beyond any further damage," I say as I carefully extend my hands out to gently place them on top of hers which were still holding the scissors.

I felt her hands immediately tense up while her eyes glanced up from the plastic in her hands to meet mine for a second before realizing how much she was spazzing out then ripped her hands away from mine, dropping the scissors after.

"If you treasure your hands, don't ever touch me again Vega," the goth murmured more calmly now.

"Listen, Beck told me what happened with your play and it's really sucky that the school won't put it up but you could always raise the funds yourself," I said trying to give her a reassuring smile.

"Yeah sure I'll just go to the bank and ask them nicely for a couple thousand or else I'll shoot them with the gun in my hand, great idea Vega," Jade said starting to get up to leave.

Why do you hate me? (Jori)Where stories live. Discover now