To be continued

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Jade's POV

I just spent the last two weeks binge watching the vampire diaries with an all too cheery latina and I partially want to blow my brains out but I also partially still feel emotional thinking about the finale so we're gonna leave it at that.

If Vega had it her way we would have finished the thing in 3 days or less but things took a bit longer for several reasons including but not limited to, my need for sleep, my sanity, school, and maneuvering around Vega's obsessive parents.

I was sitting on the couch in my living room unable to help but smile a bit to myself thinking about all the time I got to spend and annoy the horrible dork I get to call my girlfriend before I heard my dad come downstairs.

"We need to talk," he tells me in his boring monotone deep voice. I simply look to him in response. My father and I have always a bit of a complicated relationship I guess you could say. Neither of us ever expressed emotions to one another or talked or really anything. We were very distanced from each other. Regardless we didn't necessarily have a bad relationship, he's just never liked my personal decisions with life let's say.

"I have to make an important business trip tomorrow, it's gonna be a long one and it's an important one so I'm gonna need you to come along with me for the whole family image thing."

"How long is long?" I ask raising an eyebrow waiting for his response.

"About a month, we'll be back two weeks before your graduation." I sit there trying to process everything.

"Back before graduation?" I ask waiting for confirmation, he simply nods his head. I let out a deep sigh. "I'll start packing," I say bitterly.

A whole fucking month. You gotta be shitting me. How the fuck am I suppose to tell tori I'm gonna be gone for a month. How the fuck am I suppose to last a month without that dork I can barely last a couple of days. What if she can't last a month either and ends it? Shut up me stop panicking this isn't you keep your chill.

I grab my phone halfway through packing and send Vega a text

Me: guess what

Vega: I don't know do you have a surprise or something?

Me: bold of you to assume I'd have anything for you

Vega: don't be a gank

Me: okay I lied there is a surprise

Vega: for me?

Me: oh yeah Vega just for you, you're gonna love it

Vega: why am I starting to get the sense I'm not gonna like it

Me: what makes you say that

Vega: you never do anything nice for me or surprise me

Me: when you put it that way you make me sound like a bad girlfriend It's not my fault cheesy shit makes me gag

Vega: so what's the surprise

Me: you get an all paid expense trip of going no where while I leave with my dad for a month

Incoming call from Vega🖤...


Incoming call from Vega🖤...


Incoming call from Vega🖤...


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